The entitlment of elitists is crazy

Well, I just like dexter because I do have my dark side. I fully support what he was in that show. World needs a real dexter.

another ralph thread successful…

plenty of bites.

Does your dark side include microscope slides?..

Nothing so real as that I’m afraid. One is limited in their darkness when they don’t even leave their home.

Although If I did, I think I wouldn’t be dumb enough to admit to those dark fantasies on an online forum.

I wonder if when Ralph looks into a mirror they see a clown because I cant see them being anything else. You cant go around screaming from the roof tops that “Toxic elitist tryhard meta slaves” ruin the game while at the same time saying anyone that does not agree with the way you want the game to be played is one of the “Toxic elitist tryhard meta slaves”. And then go on to say that everyone should play your way and try and make it seem like blizz is designing the game with your way of play in mind. You Ralph are the toxic elitist.

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Not sure if he’s elitist, but what you described does sound like some high level narcistic traits. To believe the game is designed around you specifically is pretty wild.

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He linked his own Twitter in a thread a while back. Pronouns in the bio and proud of being a furry. You do the maths.

It is so hilarious and sweet when something so simply annoys a specific group of people revealing for the kind of person they are :3

Being a furry is awesome, Sonicfox is being cool af as well.

No judgement, but I’m not sure If I would describe it as awesome. It does seem a bit strange but that is just as an outside perspective. However I can respect the almost tribal nature of it, accessing your inner spirit animal. Natives in a way are furries in that regard.

The main definition of furry is person who likes anthropomorphic characters, everything after that is an addon rly.

And it is awesome because our mere existence triggers terrible human beings, especially when we are open and unapologetic about it xD

Unlike certain groups who feel shame and hate themselves cuz online babies told them so and try who hide who they are.

Im mostly using elitist in the context he tries to use it, being that anyone that tries to make others play there way is a elitist.

I have no issue with furries personally but you have to admit that a small subset of the furry community gives it a bad name.

Yup all the people posting with uncorrupted are definitely just parroting others and have no thoughts of their own /s

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Think that is true for every group.

Very true, like my guild has already stated that we wont be kicking people from raid because of there covenant choice but I still dont like power player locked behind a story choice in a mmo. In a single player rpg that makes sense because it makes each playthrough interesting and different but in a mmo its just going to be used for more exclusion in higher end game play not less.

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I don’t really disagree with you, even though I do. I like those things in an MMo, but I’m a strange subset of players inside the MMo that view MMo’s more like single player games with the option to interact with other players.

I don’t conform to this weird ideal that MMo’s are meant to be played only and mostly as a multiplayer function. For me atleast the RPG takes the driver seat, and the MMo is the secondary emphasis.

I have seen some good suggestions for a middle ground on this. Covenants can still be locked but removed the powers from them. The Arbiter or what ever her name is is the judge of all souls, would reason to believe she could grant these powers and as for soulbinds those are connected to actual characters from each covenants. Those characters could hear of this hero that escaped from the Maw and is fighting to fix the Shadowlands and go “Huh I should go help this guy out and share my power with them.” Just my 2 cent any way.

Could make sense, really depends on the Arbiters role in this. Would be bad to change the story just to fit peoples desired gameplay. At least something potentially important such as someone like the Arbiter. A change like that could mean a complete re-write of the entire expansion.

Very true, I dont want to come across as I dont want rpg aspects in WoW. I just dont think this is the right way to do it. Mostly because of how Bfa was handled after Legion. I mean I became the Farsear, leader of all shaman in the world and now i have to go a fight these shaman I lead for Legion because reasons. I love rpg stuff but I just doubt Blizzards capabilities to do it justice. I could be proven wrong but we will see.

Oh I agree, which is why I have taken to the habit of playing each expansion as if I’m playing the role of a different hero in that story. Canonly at least. It’s what makes most sense to me. Because we couldn’t all be the Ashbringer for example, you was just playing the role of the Hero that was that character. I am finding that I like the story more when I see each expansion as a string of short stories all connected to a single large story. Being told to me via the perspective of multiple different heroes.