The entitlment of elitists is crazy

That doesn’t answer my question…at all though. My question was Ralph is insinuating that Blizzard is trying to force top level players to play the game a certain way, and they will fail. That’s because these players will do everything in their power to have an edge over another player or guild.

So when people level 4 of each of their main class, that is in fact not playing the way Blizzard intended for them to.

So my question is again…isn’t that a false statement saying “Blizzard is making us play the way they tell us to?” Because they can’t make anyone play the game a certain way last time I checked.

Which is fine, in that scenario its not being pushed onto other people. Your single player experience still allows me to design my character on what feels fun without fear of unfair consequence.

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Blizzard doesn’t seem to understand this either. There’s a lot of “you’ll deal with it” in their actions when in reality people just kind of get up from the computer and do something else.

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Well, I guess that will actually depend on if that is actually more efficient or not. if it turns out leveling 4 of each class makes it so they are losing their spot to people that don’t. They won’t do that. So the trick is in Blizzard making that option, the bad option.

By spot I mean ranking.

Another “Ralph hates elitists” thread. /yawn

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DPS meters are largely an expression of the combination of BIS/Gear, RNG and Skill.

If, as I have seen on this board, the argument is that Skill is minimal - at best - and that RNG is a bigger piece of the DPS (and HPS, etc) puzzle, this appears to beg the following question:

Would simply attempting to attain BIS make the player elitist?

To clarify: If DPS meters are simply a metric to ascertain BIS/Gear and RNG procs - supposing that Skill carries minimal weight - then shouldn’t the acquisition of BIS also be viewed as elitist?

i feel like damage meters are pretty much the only addon that shouldnt be bannable.

Personally I would say that depends on how the person uses the meters. So likewise depends on how the person uses the BIS gear. If used as a tool to shame or otherwise make others somehow feel unworthy. Yes.

I agree that any person shaming others isn’t doing anyone any good.

However, that’s a personality issue and not intrinsic to the game. That individual will find another way to differentiate themselves from other players. Be it mog, achievements, even time-played metric.

As long as there is any metric in the game, it can be manipulated to show some form of importance - however ridiculous.

I’m not advocating for or against certain tools in game, but that we will always have ‘tools’ using them.

Possibly. It is something that definitely could be explored. It would be the best way to basically remove information and shift us back to the Vanilla WoW days.

I agree, we cannot stop stupid people from doing stupid things. Although we can limit how effective they are at doing it. While there can always be some form of measurement or shaming some are more ridicules then others which nobody will ever take seriously or use as a method of exclusion, or invalidation. The trick is to reduce the tools available to the point where those things are not as widely available while also not doing so much harm to the game that the cure, is worse then the symptoms or disease.

Agreed. It is hard to walk the line of removing a valuable asset that is used to empower players to know what their character output is (especially from a perspective of damage taken for tanks).

My concern is the blanket definition that DPS meters yield elitism, and why I socratically asked if BIS-gear seeking also yields elitism - since BIS would also directly increase DPS meter numbers. And, to me, that runs counter to improving your character. Attaining better gear has been intrinsic to RPGs for decades, and it’s not about being optimal in all settings - it’s about optimizing your toon.

Which I posit is identical to how DPS meters should be used - but there is, unfortunately, some showboating of them.

I honestly don’t see much reason for such a tool to have the report function into chat. If that part alone was removed it may make people use them in the appropriate way more. As a tool not a weapon. I’m sure some will persist, but really it’s about mitigation not extermination.

Yeah, that’s a good point. Might be worthwhile overall, too. Because in a guild setting, that dps would be more important to pushing boss kills, etc, so that folks could screen shot it (RLs) and post in disc for input, etc.

I can see that being somewhat an easy fix

I can’t be the only one who thinks that any time we steer clear of the suffocating hugbox and cutesy crap in FFXIV we inevitably make WoW better.


Why do you hate kindness so much? How does kindness make WoW a worse game? Nothing wrong with a hugbox, unless you are playing PvP…then I understand. Stabby stab is important, you only hug in that scenario to plunge a dagger in the back.

The irony of this statement abounds.

As per the wisdom of Mr. Spock, bro, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Meaning, while they do listen to and try to address feedback, they have to look at the overall big picture of keeping their game going, versus catering solely to the few elitist hardcore folks.

Casuals pay the bills, son. Every MMO has figured this out, or failed otherwise.

An enforced hugbox like the FFXIV community is bad because it’s inherently dishonest.

Not to mention it gives underperforming player’s a place to hide and avoid criticism even when they are there guilds biggest roadblock to success.

Dexter was not affectionate or empathetic. You’re ironic :stuck_out_tongue:

I assumed he meant Dexter Holland; he had some philanthropy :smiley: