The entitlment of elitists is crazy

I like weirdos, they make me feel more normal.

Yeah, and I know from my experience of not having that add-on in FF that it sucks. I never have any idea if I’m actually doing well, it’s just kind of a wow sure hope I’m not the reason this thing took 8 freaking years longer than it should’ve to kill.

Meanwhile the dude next to me is rolling his face on the keyboard, almost literally, and nobody can tell unless they sit and watch what he’s doing. It’s awful lol. The game’s design doesn’t support that philosophy, just likes WoW’s doesn’t as it stands.

More directly to op, that kind of change would just be yet another Blizz decision I’d scratch my head at and disagree with - and I’m as casual as casuals come lmao.

Except it doesn’t. Using them is against the ToS, in a weird gray zone of ‘they won’t do anything if you don’t talk about using it or harass anyone.’ and PS4 users are of course SOL because it isn’t officially supported.

Well…personally I will be hosting my own groups for raids and dungeons so I am not at all bothered by Covenants and their restrictions.

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Does it really have damage meters though? Or is it more just a parser which is used as a psuedo type of damage meters. Because, the game doesn’t have addon functionality. It’s a third party program you have to keep running in the background.

Someone beat me to it. Yes, there are 3rd party ones but someone was asking for one built into the game and Yoshida gave them the finger. Because he knew why most people use them… to shame others or brag.

So, it does. Yes it’s against the ToS to use addons, but Squenix doesn’t care as long as people aren’t using damage meters to violate the games rules on player conduct.

That’s the really big difference between WoW and FFXIV. Final Fantasy has way stricter rules in place to punish folks who rage and grief.

I like this.


Imagine if WoW started banning people for all sorts of griefy behavior. It’d be wonderful.

Wonder what FF thinks of programs like IO.

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Yes…its pretty lacking right now. Almost any person I talked with who has played Final fantasy has told me that community over there is way better than here.

Me too. Say whatever you like about beautiful communities and hugs n’ kisses but at the end of the day, the biggest difference is people knowing they’ll get the mighty banhammer if they act like chimps.

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Honestly, At the low end I will say I agree. I have not made it to the high end though cause I got bored waiting for queues progressing my story lol. I really hate their system of having so many dungeons tied to the main quest line.

Playing the DPS role in that game is painful.

Some would say to strict. To the point where I regularly see people say they don’t even offer help to new players because if someone takes it the wrong way they can be reported and actioned. It’s an absolutely wild community vibe over there, and frankly once you’ve played long enough it’s every bit as toxic as WoW’s. It’s just hidden a little better under the rug. (Edit to add an example… Somebody literally got actioned for using too many emotes in a city. Without even having chat messages showing. Just… What?)

My point really is that op started with that example in a thread about how elitists apparently want the game to cater only to them, or something, when dps meters are something whose presence or weird partial, unsupported and totally unavailable to a subset of players like in FF have both caused problems to people across the spectrum of high end to casual. I just thought it was kind of funny. It’s just one group’s idea of what’s good for the game vs another, and has nothing to do with some imaginary group of entitled elitists.

That’s all.

I thinking having more accessibility increased toxicity. For example I recently organised a dungeon run in classic wow for Razorfen Kraul. It took me nearly an hour to get the folks for the dungeon but it made value those players who joined my group since getting replacement is hard. So naturally everyone was nice to each other.

That’s fair. Also, OP starts threads just to start fights. He’s only looking to cause trouble.

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Ah man
I’ve been away from the forums for too long
Don’t know who anyone is anymore lol

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Oh I agree, I made that point myself about why LFR/LFD was actually bad for the game. It really diminished the community. People don’t even bother talking in those leveling dungeons anymore making it excessively hard to really create friendships while leveling. Meaning you have to do it in the end game…and at that point nobody wants to talk in dungeons because they want to focus on what needs done /sigh.

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Most very high level players (I’d guess w500 and up) are going to level 4 of each of their class and that is definitely not the way the devs are “telling” us to play the game. So what’s the deal with that?

I call that a shame and a symptom of a disease plaguing WoW atm. The level of min/maxing has gotten out of hand. No choices in power can be added to the game without it automatically being used in that manner. Hurting design space.

Another big difference is like a 90% reduction in the amount of chores and gating to get to the content you actually want to play.

Fewer chores, no factions, easy “alts,” and the strict community guidelines cover off on the vast majority of what you see people complain about in WoW.

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People do min maxing in single player games too. I guess some folks want perfection in what they do.