The entitlment of elitists is crazy

Honestly, never did understand the point of name calling. Other then to cause harm to others. To me it often shows in that given moment you are too weak to remain objective and your argument is now being formed out of a place of gutfeel or emotion. Not saying I have not fallen to that level I certainly have. Although it seems like as a society we would have grown out of such things by time we leave grade school. It’s nothing more then our inner child coming out in a negative way.

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I’m laughing because Ion is the guild master of a guild called Elitist Jerks.


Yes. Name calling is a way to attack person for their beliefs, opinions, etc. People use it in order to try shutting down other person from expressing themselves.

But people like Ralph don’t understand that indulging in name calling or putting labels on folks who like to play a game in certain way won’t change their minds. It will cause people to stop taking Ralph seriously.

And this is what is happening. I feel most people in forums have stopped taking Ralph seriously.

I still take the guy seriously, I just think he often goes about things the wrong way. I share the same views with him on a lot of things he says. Yet the way he words things comes off crass, detached from knowledge that we are all people just wanting to have fun our own way. To reach people you can’t ignore their needs and expect them to care about yours.

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Yes. I always welcome open minded discussions but Ralph just wants an echo chamber. When he is unable to provide a good counter argument, he puts that person on ignore.


I’m not saying this is what happened here, but it did make me think. I’ve put people on ignore without “counterarguing” only because I knew they were just arguing for the sake of arguing.

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Well in his defense with this subject and some others. People become like brick walls and just continue to ignore anything said. They don’t reflect and just return with emotional driven retorts, or statements ignoring what was said. There is no give. That said this is often done by his own design. People are often like mirrors and when you show that mirror an uncaring image, it will return one back to you. He bricks the conversations in this way before they even begin. People just become shutdown to any real conversation.

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I’m laughing because FFXIV doesn’t have supported dps meters and the result is 100% just a different flavor of toxicity, and arguments on whether they should add an official one come up all the time
Betterment of the game? Nah, not unless you wanna rebuild the game from the ground up without any need or focus on dps at all

Not impossible really wouldn’t even take a overhaul just a change in how they design bosses. Instead of enrage timers making things more difficult, they would need to adjust to make another fail condition. So many failed mechanics or some such bricking the fight for example. It’s just about shifting difficulty.

well…It’s a human nature to try winning the argument as it satisfies our ego. Losing an argument almost feels like losing pride (I have experienced this before) hence people keep arguing until other side backs off (I am guilty of this equally)

Actually that’s why I am trying to teach my self to keep my emotions out when having discussion. Most people don’t respond…They react due to high emotions and that is what heats things up.

Responding and reacting are two different things.

I don’t mind debating. I can lay facts on the table and let them speak for themselves rather than trying to battle whos opinion is stronger than whos.

Yes. That’s something I am trying to get better at.

The rest of the playerbase: “Maybe the dev team should work with the community.”

Ralph: “The dev team knows best and we should all just eat this turd sandwich.”

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Honestly that is the best course of action when discussing hobbies or anything people may have passion about. Where there is passion there is emotion, where there is emotion there is a path to anger. If you can compartmentalize your own passion you can avoid stepping on land mines which derail discussion due to others inability to do so.

Didn’t mean to make that sound all star wars like lol.

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But would they do that? Take the time and effort to redesign every fight with an enrage timer in the game? Deemphasize damage output and scale things so an inherent sense of how long things take to kill comparatively doesn’t frustrate or drive people away? After more than a decade of focusing on output?

I mean obviously just hypothetical, Blizz has made some wild decisions but up and removing dps meters would be something I’d expect to find in their April Fool’s notes if anywhere at all :stuck_out_tongue:

Everyone’s gonna have different ideas of what they think is good for the game and what they enjoy, this particular comparison just amused me because the lack of damage meters in FF has only ever detracted from my experience personally… and absolutely does not prevent any kind of toxicity or elitism in any way. It just changes the flavor of it.

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Little horseradish mustard works wonders.

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I mean, DPS meters have been around for awhile yes. But it’s important to remember it’s an addon. We survived before without it even if it was a short period of time. heck target dummies wasnt even a thing for a little while.


Now, every time I think of DPS meters, I think of how the game director for FFXIV responded when it was asked of him to put an in-game one. He gave the person the finger.

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Yeah, sweaty tryhards used to be called “rules lawyers” and “munchkins” back in the day.

At least back then your chances of playing with one were lower since it was basically just small groups of friends and family. Internet has expanded that to let you run into more people and therefore more weirdos.

FFXIV has damage meters though.