The entitlment of elitists is crazy

That’s his reasoning for not being able to play swtor because it doesn’t have damage filters so he can filter his groups.

no, people will find some way of determining how long it takes to do X damage vs some mob or other and build some sort of tier list and your class will get black listed and kicked on wipes for low dps even if it was the top. no one can verify it so best guess, must be the weakest class.

and then you have the competitive aspect. with no meters people stop caring, start AFK. have no way to know if they are improving or getting worse.

as far as getting the top 1% extra damage etc being a problem is partly due to the fact the game is tuned to only be doable at that lvl
only getting nerfs after its done.

That isn’t a thing and you know it though, the ones who get kicked are the ones at the bottom of dps below everyone else or people who fail mechanics, sometimes people are extreme at might kick after one mistake but that is the risk with pugs, gotta do your best and not fail since they aren’t forgiving

You are correct the thing is that list will be severely different for every single boss and also m+

You can’t get always the top build because covenants aren changeable which is their goal

You are literally a male pandaren priest with a goofy mog and complain about elitsts give me a break

Also did not know how often you mentioned it but it’s not only an RPG its an MMORPG


Shadow priest*
Never touching the healer specs ewww

The way you are using it just doesn’t make sense. You are trying to make it sound like indulging the community is a bad thing. When in reality by doing what the minority groups want in this case, is simply going by their mission statement. There really is nothing negative to be tied to that. You could use the word in the manner you speak, but to do so when it’s considered such a negative thing is dishonest to what is actually happening.

Kinda unrelated but I wouldnt put much value in the company’s missions statement in general, everyone tries to say something cool and inspirational that is pretty vague and non binding, if anything vast majority of companies should just say “we are trying to make money x way”

Well, of course but it does sort of say something they want at their core. Or atleast prior to becoming sell outs. Sorry I know it’s not on topic, but the semantics of things is getting me all hung up lol. This guy confuses me. I just don’t understand how he can say something is pandering to someone when they themselves said it’s something they wanted. It paints the truth is such a negative light. They are pandering to themselves. if he wants to use the word… idk.

Oh rrord? he is mostly a troll from what I ve seen by trying to be edgy on the internet, which isnt something rare on the internet these days so that doesnt get as much attention xD, in this case he probably implies any kind of change that benefits a minority rather than the majority DIRECTLY is pandering since most people arent able to understand the beneficial sociological effects of representation which improves the world for everyone. It is like how representing trans people allows for more personal expression while going against them is pushing to very strict and ugly gender roles to the point some transphobes thought some cis women were trans simply because they didnt look ultra feminine xD

Literally only bad trolls hate furries these days so I wouldnt pay as much attention.

I guess, I try to be a pretty open guy. I even understand ignorance to a degree. I’ve said many times myself I am flawed in that area. Yet to show so much hatred toward another group of people. I have a hard time understanding it, the logic behind hating people is confusing. Any moment the world could change and the roles reversed the majority can become the minority. How is it logical to be hateful to the group which may someday be in the position to treat you in an unfair way. The logical thing to do even if just for survival is to be accepting of everyone so you won’t be in that unfortunate position, or your kin won’t be in that position down the road.

It is very simple actually for most of the time, many people point out how kids dont hate different people because kids are meant to be open and curious, there’s no hatred unless implanted.

What usually happens is that humans in an attempt to avoid admitting the chaotic and unstable nature of the world create beliefs, ideas, world views of how the world should work, that gives humans a sense of stability and safety but also often leads to rigid and close minded and often wrong world views.

If a kid is raised being str8 is the normal think and there’s absolutely nothing else he would have developed a world view where everyone is str8, but then reality hits and remind him gay people exist, his brain’s choice is to either admit that his belief and world view that everyone was straight is wrong, or to try find an excuse as to why that person is gay so his belief that everyone is str8 is kept safe, so they ll start thinking being gay is immoral, mental illness, bad, demonic possession etc, ANYTHING other than to admit that being gay is normal and they were wrong.

That is why people need to learn to be flexible and admit their own ignorance, you never know when you could be wrong due to new unexpected information appearing, which is why you also learn that historically whatever the “norm” is, it is irrelevant because often times it only exists to make people feel secure and stable even though it is very very wrong.

Removing dps meters does not better the game. In fact it will help mask the issues making many players worse.

Do half the people not read the full topic, it quite literally says that I like dps meters and are a core part of my enjoyment, it was merely an example that illustrates that when a dev removes a part of the game you might enjoy, they are ok with losing these players since they are doing it for the benefit of the broader community.

Right now they are removing the ability to be optimal for everything due to locked covenants, but instead of accepting that way of playing is no longer welcome, they make threads trying to change the devs mind which thankfully I know they wont before launch.

Honestly, it depends on how you define making the game better as. If you mean to reduce exclusion, and promote inclusion so people are more freely able to enjoy the game as a game. Then you are not correct. However if you define the game being better by increasing the level people are successful you are correct.

These are the people that no matter what direction the game goes in they will be outraged. For content creators the more outrage you cause the more clicks you get. The more clicks you get the more popular you get. The more popular you get the more revenue you receive.

Many content creators also get their audience from doing the most difficult and succeeding. They don’t really want a live realm to play on. What they want is a tournament realm. Tournament realms open and unlock all features through simple vendor.

Most of the people here complaining don’t even have their own thoughts on these issues. They are only parrots for videos and streams they watch, void of any original thought.

I have a theory that Ralph is actually Ion’s burner account.

Prove me wrong.

Agree with everything he said as usual though.


Inclusion/exclusion happens for reasons outside of player power as it is. Thus, it makes sense to focus on helping players get as much information as they can to assist with their betterment in a given situation to make the best out of the game and their class, spec.

Except he doesn’t. Half the replies are from people who have caught on to his tired, and frankly concerning schtick, and half are newcomers posting in earnest - before they too see how pathetic it is.

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They can’t. In order to do that they have to restructure the API or something of that nature to make it more inaccessible, and that would affect every addon, leading to more of an outrage than your post.

This is a very dangerous line of thinking and is a very slippery slope.

Yeah these exist.

They get feedback from both sides of the table. They can’t make one decision to appeal to the casual community that will not negatively affect the hardcore community and vice versa. It’s a very delicate process that I don’t think you have a grasp on.

The Meta crowd never relies on Blizzard or any game company to min-max, find the best builds, grade classes based on viability, etc. There will always be this subset of people in every MMORPG whether they’re very carebeary or not.

This is false. The people who actually understand the game well enough to theorycraft, come up with addons like DBM and WarcraftLogs website and damage meters all are part of the core community of WoW. These people have an undying passion for the game that transcends everything else.

Why do you think world first guilds are personally invited to test new raids in the beta? That’s just one example.

Not entirely true, but the line blurs between the “meta slave” audience and the casuals when you get into Heroic Raids and level 8+ keystones. So obviously Blizzard has built the game for both audiences.

The world does not revolve around what the casual community wants either. But here we are in BfA where the game can be said to be relatively balanced in the progression a casual player can take versus a hardcore player. The evidence suggests Blizzard is catering to both groups, especially with their sub counts slowly growing, they want to appeal to potential new subscribers.

Ion has literally been wrong about almost everything in recent years.

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