The entitlment of elitists is crazy

It’s just the way you structure it. You have a lot of control over where your threads go. The structure of this talks about DPS meters, and elitism. While acting like you yourself are superior to others or at least somehow more deserving of consideration. The entire head, body, and end of what you wrote lead to people latching onto a key part which jumped out to them first and using that as a basis of conversation. If you would have more consistency in what you are saying people would follow better and have the discussion you are trying to create. Provided that you didn’t already tank you reputation which also plays into it.

Take this thread as an example. It’s something that people actually usually frown at. Ewww gross a Solo player in my MMo Booo go away. Yet the structure didn’t alienate people it was simple and informative. It lead to discussion and fun. Even a good number of upvotes. Learning how to control the narrative from the moment of creative your topic is the most important skill a forum goer can have.