The Enh Shaman Problem

TBF, Spirit of the Alpha is purely a PvE ‘problem’… if it even is a problem at all.

Fact is, double Rockbiter already gives 764 AP without Spirit of the Alpha’s 20% buff. 764 AP is more than most other geared melee classes have in general. I have 722 AP with Improved Blessing of Might and full Phase 2 BiS, for instance.

Personally, all I want to see is Rockbiter as a solely Main Hand Weapon Imbue, and Way of Earth as only usable with a shield.

Spirit of the Alpha, Decoy Totem, Maelstrom Weapon, Dual Wield Specialization… all of these things could probably stay the same. Are they still incredibly strong? Yes, but there’s a lot of things in SoD that are just as strong, so it’s fine.


This is the ultimate true take tbh.

Well the other two need to use cooldowns that aren’t always up. WoE is always up and doesn’t require you to even hit a button

A 10% dmg reduction seems totally fine, but I think i’d rather see the AP get nerfed from Rockbiter and made into weapon DPS like in TBC.

At some point in this season I would like to actually use Windfury Weapon on my Shaman.

Also buff warriors (never thought I’d type those words)

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This! Also I’d rather play 2h enhance but you’re an idiot if you do that currently!

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I am less and less motivated to play a Pally every day.


Ya tbh man shaman is better by every metric. Just reroll it’s super easy to quest level now.

Free your self of retbrain big dawg. We’ll welcome you to the horde temporarily as a fotm reroller.

It’s not even that it’s fotm… sham just feels more fun to play than spamming exorcism on pally :frowning:

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I’m honestly quite impressed that Blizz has let Enh shaman stay this broken for so long. Some of OP’s suggestions are no brainers that could have/should have been done within the first week after it became clear that Double RB/WoE was just stupid in PvP scenarios. It takes a special level of incompetence to let the charade go on this long.

PvP has been dead to me for over a month now due to shaman.

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My equally geared paladin has 616 attack power with might. My damage range with Bonebiter Axe is half of yours with a 1h weapon…

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Even melee hunter need hit to get decent DPS but shaman gets 10% hit chance with the same rune that they use anyway :joy::joy: this whole thing is a joke blizz :joy::joy:

I personally would like to exorcism to be only used at melee range, and to avenger’s shield to only be used if you are deep prot spec

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If you’re going to try and deflect as a primary argument, your comparisons need to at least make sense.

Although you haven’t made any sense this entire thread so I won’t be holding my breath.

Why not just change WotE so that rockbiter grants additional armor instead of attack power.

(Agree about only having it on one weapon though, or at the very least it should not stack with offhand)

Having WotE replace Attack Power with Armor would give 2h shaman some options too.

Can we please end this clown show and nerf enhance shaman already? I didn’t truly realize how broken they were because I haven’t been pvping but my 40 rogue got 1 shot for 1500 damage how is that at all fair? And don’t say you could’ve fought back no I was in SM as alliance and they weren’t flagged until they killed me.

This is 100% more broken than hunter has ever been at any singular point in SOD, yet everyone got us nerfed like 8 times.

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This is actually a crazy logical suggestion!

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Get stamina, or stop gaslighting.

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Nah, because that argument could be applied to any point a class was broken like unnerfed starsurge, death, hunter. Yet all of those got nerfed, just wait you guys will get your turn and its more than deserved.

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Man, you should be an investigative reporter. Bro literally went undercover and got the goods. Respect.

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