no really with all your vast experience in playing shaman you should make videos showing us plebs how to play.
im sure everyone would watch!
no really with all your vast experience in playing shaman you should make videos showing us plebs how to play.
im sure everyone would watch!
Just read you’re post and I agree, nerfing rockbiter to both weps is the main nerf that needs to occur which is why I listed it first. WoE is just much stronger than other classes tank abilities and needs adjustment to somehow reduce damage even if they dont fully disable it.
And you know what maybe I will, it might get shaman nerfed faster!
Seriously? lol. It’s not easy to make you look like a fool, because you are already doing it. You are calling everyone else liars. I’ve only ever posted here on this chartacter. Most of us just want enjoyable pvp and your only argument is elitism, arrogance and a conspiracy because I want damage and pvp fixed. Hopefully in a manner that won’t hurt pve, which rarely happens.
But does it need, tho?
Warriors always went into Defensive stance to take less damage when they’re being focused.
They would even put a shield and shield wall. If they had they would also spell reflect.
I think having WoE working for shamans is to give them the ability to still fight back. Shamans can’t remove their own snares and roots like paladins and druids or warriors. They can be kited easily.
I would change, tho… WoE to scale with Stamina rather than health. Or… maybe change it to armor instead of stamina.
Anyone who is not for nerfing shaman at this point doesint understand the game.
I saw 1 shaman solo 6-7 players in WSG, 3 Paladins and 3 HPriests at the same time. He one shotted the Paladins (not hard weakest class in game) and literally killed the priests with those ranged totems
Nerf Shaman now this is absolutely ridiculous
Sure, but still you preferred to post here with a retail character instead of posting on your sod main.
Surely if you were already a forum poster from long time with a retail character I wouldn’t use this argument, which is why I emphasized the “low post count”, which is, alt poster. That is what you are.
oh ya ? well i saw a pally solo 300 people with 1 divine storm !
Didn’t you see the video?
Shaman solo Gnomeregan.
Nerf soon.
Decoy totem removes snares and immunes them for 10sec. WoE is also fire and forget and requires no thinking to use it just happens when you apply RB. And ya if shaman damage was lower WoE wouldnt be as oppressive.
But that comes at the cost of spirit of alpha, right? Then damage is already lower because the shaman will not buff someone with alpha to get Beta buff
They also have totem projection - literally they can place basically a lava turret on you location that will just gun you down as you try and flee from the carnage
literally broken
god i hope youre just being silly .
Honestly sometimes when I’m in WSG and we as horde have more than 3 Shamans it feels like we’re playing Black Ops and the other team are playing Checkers.
The problem is it’s really easy to get 3 or 4 casters/ranged on u because of your position and everyone can hit you really hard in SOD. I get it you have to get in melee range to do damage. They nerf caster damage and the pve content will suffer. We already have to worry about mana, and everyone has escapes to snares. I roll around with 1600 hp and I got the most stamina I could find. I hear shaman roll around with 4k. I would like to see a lot more stamina for everyone. In classic mages could rub against melee a little it’s very risk in sod.
Alpha is good but decoy is by far whats run in pvp, and the damage is not significantly lower without it. I’d even argue you dont need to nerf alpha if double RB wep is addressed.
my warrior have 636 AP in almost full bis gear from gnomer
Get shammed on!
I’m hoping next phase warriors get a rune that reduces bandage cooldown to 0 so they can at least heal in BGs and be useful next phase
I don’t blame you for being sad about this.
The devs are on a crusade to make warriors BAD so people will not stack warriors in the raids.
141 Posts in about 2 hours, if that doesn’t give you an idea about how many people are tired of dealing with enh shamans (and people coping to defend them) I don’t know what will.
Yes, enh is a problem, yes the damage is too high, yes the tankiness is too much, and no I don’t care about your mobility or how you personally feel about it.
Nerf enh, no classes one handed white swings should be hitting harder than a Paladin/Warrior’s 2 handed swing and have the tankiness of a bear druid on top of it.