The Enh Shaman Problem

What is a low count people? So more posts the better your opinion? Derppppp. First of all this character is going on 18 1/2 years old. Maybe it’s because I have an Anathema transmog and it reminds me of better days, who knows. I don’t pvp on my SoD character because I started in p2 and I’m Alliance, so I don’t enjoy it…or I would. Understand? The state of pvp is terrible. Shamans happen to be the worst, and faction specific. That’s an issue. There is no narrative lol. You are in denial. I have 1 main in SoD and I no longer play retail. Want my medical info too?

Sure bub. “Oh, he noticed the strategy now we have to attack him personally”

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a good example to help this point is that if a paladin goes full protection he aint gonna be doing squack in pvp i assure ya. I mean there does exist ret +reck specs but ur sacrificing alot just to be able to do that combo which tbh isnt really as good anymore since sit macroing got stopped

Oh boy boy boy.

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Yeah I could agree to the point that all melee should be tankier to help with the current caster meta issues in pvp but it’s extremely unlikely to happen and more likely they just nerf caster damage leaving shamans at a potential god point if left untouched.

No way to tell till we get there. For all we know they won’t ever make pvp adjustments and could care less about it. Just have to see

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This could work. Tanks should not be out dpsing half of the dps specs in the game.

well, they shaked the meta very hard.

Can agree with that. Way of earth being “defensive stance” makes a lot of sense.

I’m sure it’s also extremely boring to tank with a shield. No matter how much they buff devastate warriors still don’t play it

Yeah dual wield tanking is always more fun (see fury/prot in era) because of threat gen. The issue really lies in all of shamans utility outside of its damage and tankiness. Oh and earth shock gets put on a seperate CD from other shocks in WoE which is HILARIOUS for pvp btw.

At least your care about the state of the game. People like Consequence coming in here berating other players, talking non-sense about narratives and acting like he came straight outta LoL , that does’t help the SoD community at all. We want a better game, enjoyed by both factions and all skill levels. I think that’s fair isn’t it?

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All I asked was for you to post on your main sod character but you refused and you’re here posting on a level 60 character with low post count, which makes me believe you’re here posting on more than 2 characters, along with many others as part of a smear campaign.

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Yes I do. Practically all of my pvp friends aren’t playing anymore because Aggrend thinks classic isn’t both a pve/pvp game at the same time and he can just waltz off letting the pvp community burn.

Vanilla always dead af when the pvp community not around. Pve raid loggers are whatever


Consequence is RPing as Alex Jones rn calling out the conspiracy against the horde orchestrated by the united alliance coalition.

it makes it melee range.

Ya thats fine, I just freedom totem and frost shock my target and I’m there lol, or move an earthbind on top of them. All very easy to do. It’s just a free dps increase.

you sure are a pro shaman player.

you should make videos.

No no. You are being foolish and paranoid lol. I want to pvp BUB. I don’t want to pvp in BM. I don’t want to reroll horde. I don’t want to play shaman. I want to play a healing priest on alliance with my raiding guild, because it’s where I play. Also, do you know how many iterations of this forum there’s been in 20 years?? lol. You know nothing.

Nothing I said was even slightly difficult, literally 3 keybinds. MAYBE 4

I have already mailed the CMs with the list of characters and posts so they can investigate it.
Brigading is against ToS and these people will be banned from the forums.

But of course, it is easier to make me look like a fool, they just need to post on their SOD mains so we can change back to discuss the shamans, which, if you look at, I replied to your post here:

So yeah. If you wanna dismiss the possibility, based on the facts I just presented, feel free to. I don’t need you to believe or not on it. But surely they want you to believe there is nothing happening.