The Enh Shaman Problem

I’d certainly be down to try this. Though it does seem pretty weird that all of Enh’s runes give benefits for using the other weapon imbues, but Rockbiter is strong enough that Enh Shamans are using double Rockbiter in PvP anyways.

Sounds to me like according to your own words, having Rockbiter be a unique imbue and making Enh Shamans use RB/FL or RB/WF instead in both pvp as well as pve would not only not be a real nerf, but would also force shaman players to use more buttons in general, right?

Not really seeing the downside to the RB change that OP asked for, based on everything you’ve said so far?

Yea changing RB to unique legit does nothing.

Edit: It nerfs tanks doing speed runs and giga parse groups I guess. not sure making a change that only effects those turbo nerds really matters

Shaman literally hits 2 dps buttons (lava lash, stormstrike) and can near global most other classes. Then the totems you use are situational and FIRE AND FORGET, paladins have to at minimum have a mouseover macro for their blessings. On this shaman I just put down grounding off CD and tremor and me and my group benefit GREATLY from it. Paladin toolkit is substantially weaker and requires the paladin to drop target or make macros for everyone one of their utility abilities. On this shaman, I can hold my W key at a target spam damage and haphazardly drop totems and win 99% of engagements. I would agree on the overextend portion of your post if WoE didn’t exist but as it stands now with decoy totem and grounding totem dropped I am rarely punished for playing like a brainlet as a shaman. Pally bubble is a 5 minute CD so it’s truly not even comparable to WoE which is a free passive that’s always up.


It also nerfs the Shaman PvPers running Double Rockbiter and hitting for stronger white hits on one handed daggers than other classes can hit with two handed weapons. And since according to you, those shamans are just playing lazy, I’d hope you’d have no issues whatsoever with Rockbiter becoming a unique weapon imbue.

After all, that will force Shaman PvPers to play more skillfully in order to gain the same damage they were previously capable of with less skill, right?

Then the pvp people will just use RB/FT which is legit strong in almost every way.

Sure, but that requires them to push more buttons to achieve with RB/RB was achieving with less buttons, right?

That sounds like a worthwhile change to me.

I’ve tried this and it really isn’t man, I lose around 150-200 dmg per auto swing if i drop double rock biter. I might get some burst from lava lash but the consistent over the top pressure is FAR superior in almost every pvp situation imagineable.

Please stop making up fake numbers. Losing a single rockbitter isn’t dropping your auto damage by 200.

If you are on crusader strike I’m down to duel you as many time as you need so you can see the actual numbers. I’ll get a meta lock a shadow priest and a warrior to come too. We can legit play the game and see all the math in front of our eyes.

Just ran out and tested it on mobs (same one of same level) in STV to ensure I’m not crazy and while I may have exaggerated at 200 damage per swing, 100-150 IS NOT AN EXAGERATION. I can’t post screenshots for some reason? but swapping off of RB I lost approximately 50-75 dps overall, and each swing was between 75-150 damage points LOWER than just using double rock biter. Obviously theres variability on player armor but no matter what double RB is just better and needs to be taken away from brainlets. Also I’m on lonewolf so I can’t take you up on that.

okay, so randomly dropping totems including grounding. So you’re bad at pvp. Got it. No need to keep posting as nothing you say matters at this point. Thank you for coming.

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The point he is trying to make is that he plays completely brain dead and still finds success.

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THAT IS MY ENTIRE POINT, and btw I promise I’m better at pvp than you rofl, you DONT need to be good at pvp to be successful at pvp as a shaman AT ALL. Thank you Artorio!


He thinks ret is more skill based than shaman even though grounding totem alone has more skill expression than the entirety of ret. You are brave to have joined this post. For I wish I had never let my self get brought down to their level.

Never said it has more skill expression. Said it was EVEN at most. My main post was never about the difficulty of shaman, it was trying to dispel the myth that shaman was some extremely high skill class so it deserved to be OP that shaman mains kept trying to gaslight people with on these forums. I’m literally playing it and IS NOT REQUIRED that you be good at the class to be successful on it.

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The OP is literally a 9 time Gladiator Pre-legion, I promise you he’s better than every singular person capping in this thread.

Nerf shaman.


Thank you my long time friend Newneon.

It is very honorable to come in a defend your friend.

Come next phase ret gains magic cleanse and blessing of sac. You champions of the light just have to wait out another month or so to reclaim your god king of utility thrones. It’s a good thing even your 9 time gladiators have a hard time with mouseover macros or the horde would be done for.

Inb4 they give shaman totem of the soy thats a just a better version of blessing of sac but for you’re whole group.

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