The Enh Shaman Problem

As a Horde player in the vast world of Azeroth, Wizzleboom the shaman stood out for his unwavering love for two things: his enchanting garden of dwarf carrots and his deep desire for the companionship of other men. While his fellow Horde members focused on battles and conquest, Wizzleboom found solace and joy in tending to his mystical garden, where the vibrant hues of the dwarf carrots intertwined with his longing for connection.

In the rugged lands of Durotar, Wizzleboom’s eccentric nature shone brightly as he carefully nurtured the tiny vegetables, believing that their growth was intertwined with his own yearning for love and understanding. Despite the raised eyebrows of his companions, Wizzleboom’s devotion to his beloved garden and his desire for meaningful relationships created a unique presence in the Horde, where the magic of the elements intertwined with the tender care he showed towards both his dwarf carrots and his fellow men.


Enh shaman was easy mode in VANILLA, add these runes and its even easier lol. JFC

Just got my 4300 coin blood moon event as enhance yesterday.
All reps exalted.
All the loot from gnomer.
Clapped the whole server.

We can nerf it now. I got mine.

Get these filthy bandwagoners off my class.

List of Changes I’d suggest:

Reduce damage while Way of the Earth is active by 30-35%, but increase threat by 40-50%. Way of the Earth and Double Rockbiter is mandatory in pvp, there is no other option that’s even close, it’s not exactly a fun way to play Shaman, it’s just the only real viable one.

Increase the damage reduction of Shamanistic Rage to 30%-40%, make it useable while under lose of control. Increase the mana regen to 100% but make it a 1 minute and 30 second cooldown. Shamanistic Rage’s 20% reduction is a joke in this bursty environment and is generally not useable in the situations it’s needed most (while in a stun). I shouldn’t be a tank, but it shouldn’t be guaranteed that I die in a Rogue’s opener or a Paladins 5 second stun.

Make Rockbiter unique (as in can only be enchanted on 1 weapon) while it’s fun to bonk noggins, were simply bonking too hard. We need to be honest about this. I’d rather Blizzard lean into are iconic imbue Windfury.

Dual Wield is extremely strong, making it so we can only run one Rockbiter would balance it out in PVP.

I would like to propose some idea’s as well on how to fix two handed and make it close to as effective as dual wield.

NEW Two Handed Mastery: Increases attack speed by 30%, attack power by 30%, spell hit chance by 8% and hit chance by 5%, and increases the chance to proc Windfury by 15%.

New Two-Handed Rune, Stormblast: (Requires a two-handed weapon) Strike the target dealing 85% weapon damage and additional 25% damage as nature, each strike increases your nature damage against the target by 3% stacking up to 5. 6 Second cooldown 35 mana (debuff could last say 15 seconds).

You could tweak the numbers, but two-handed needs an additional melee attack. I feel like a stacking debuff would help bridge the gap in pve and allow it to close in on Dual Wield, without it wildly effecting burst.

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TRUEEEEE save 2h blizz. Nerf dw rockbiter!

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Amen, I played SOD because I thought they’d lean into it…instead Dual wield is LEAGUES above it…like 150-200dps above it :(.

I truly understand this sentiment. 2h enh is the true Chad spec but we’re being literally forced at rockbiter weapon point to play dual wield. We are suffering blizzard PLEASE.

Can you explain your hatred of rockbiter to me?

A shaman killed them in pvp.

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Its pretty clearly explained in the OP of this thread.

A single Rockbiter with talents gives 382 Attack Power. By comparison, Blessing of Might with talents gives 108 Attack Power.

Now to make matters even worse, in SoD shamans can put Rockbiter on both their weapons, because unlike in original Classic, SoD shamans get Dualwielding.

This means at lvl 40, shamans are able to use double Rockbiter for a whopping 764 Attack Power. To compare those numbers, this Ret Paladin I’m posting on is fully geared and only has 722 Attack Power with Improved Blessing of Might up. As others have said elsewhere in this thread, their warriors and rogues can’t even get close to 764 AP. And Shamans get it as a pair of BUFFS on top of whatever AP they already have.

edit: This leaves a fresh lvl 40 shaman with just under 1600 AP by the way. More geared shamans can get close to 1700-1800 AP.

Thanks to double Rockbiter, Shamans are currently hitting for more on white hits with their one-handed weapons then warriors and ret paladins can hit on their white hits with two-handed weapons.

That’s the problem with Rockbiter in SoD. And nobody is even asking for Rockbiter itself to be nerfed. Just for it to be made a unique weapon imbue so Enh Shamans can’t give themselves more AP through a pair of weapon buffs than other AP classes have altogether when in full BiS.

Ok first off shaman imbues are the shaman counter part to seals. so comparing a seal to for example my str is what you are doing here lmao.

lets say paladins got a seal that gave them 760ap just like 2 rockbiters. I’m not to familiar with pally simms but I’m almost positive they wouldn’t use 760ap over command. Maybe they would with the ap=sp scaling from the rune but it would still prolly be within 30dps.

You’re a paladin run the sims and get back to me or I can do if for you if you wish.

This is such a strange thing to say for multiple reasons.

  1. Warriors can’t reach 1200 Attack Power in Phase 2 of SoD. No class except for Enh Shamans can get over 1200 AP.

  2. The difference isn’t between a warrior with 1200 AP and a shaman with 1200 AP, its between warriors, rogues, and ret paladins with 750-ish AP versus shamans with 1700-ish AP. It doesn’t matter what the difference in scaling is with that massive of a difference in AP between shamans the other classes.

I literally watched my shaman friend via a discord stream reliably doing 350 white hits with the lvl 25 BFD dagger. Meanwhile, my Ret Paladin’s white hits are around 200 with Thermaplugg’s Rocket Cleaver.

Shaman AP fundamentally doesn’t make sense.

What is so hard for you to understand that DOUBLING everyone else’s AP is a problem? A one handed weapon SHOULD NOT AUTO SWING for more than a SLOW 2H AUTO SWING.

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No they aren’t. Seals last for 30 seconds and are dispellable as well as a resource that gets used up by judgment.

Your Weapon imbues last for five minutes and don’t have to be reapplied twenty times in combat. What an inane comparison. What a crazy attempt at moving the goalposts too.

Have you ran the sim yet?

I don’t have to, lol. Warcraft Logs already has hundreds of thousands of parses that show just how insane the gap is between Enhancement Shaman having 1700-1800 AP and Ret Paladins having only 730 AP.

You’re acting like we’re neck and neck when the average Enh Shaman is doing 100-200 DPS over the average Ret Paladin.

WF/RB is legit only 4 dps behind RB/RB for enh dps while WF/RB provides more group utility and not threat greifing.
RB/FT for tank sims exactly the same as RB/RB.
Legit the only people that run RB/RB are tanks in pve for threat and people that are to lazy to press 2 buttons for FT offhand in pvp.

I’m not. I would legit destroy you in damage. I’m just saying rockbiter isn’t the big evil beast you people are making it out to be.

So how would you recommend fixing the Enh Shaman problem them? Since you acknowledge that Enh needs a nerf, how would you go about lowering its damage other than nerfing Rockbiter?

-25% damageish on WotE to nerf tanks and pvp shamans. Leave enh pve dps alone. Then buff you poor bottom dwellers.