The Enh Shaman Problem

Devs be like…this is fine. Nothing to see here → Time for another hunter nerf.

hello hi

just bumping to say i know the best fix to this faction balance problem

give ally shaman, okay thanks bye

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Ya i am going to tell you how to play because unlike you i know both pvp and pve on sham rofl. Pve server scrub screeching into the abyss you are a shamboy

You play a healing priest. Something both a chimpanzee and a frog could play in gnomer, thats how easy the class is. You dont get to have an opinion on grown up things sorry

I feel like you’re the type of individual that has to think to breathe.

But maybe that’s just me.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the only issue with Rockbiter is that it is AP based, which means it alone affects both weapons.

382ap = ~27-28dps

simply make Rockbiter add DPS to the weapon it’s enchanted on.

Double rockbiter is only a problem because it’s effectively 4 rockbiter enchants (2 on main, 2 on off).

Alpha got the boost for the simple fact that w/o it there is no reason for anyone but a shaman tank to ever use the rune. without the AP from rockbiter there is no issue with the rune itself.

There is no reason to add a negative threat modifier (minus damage) to yet another tank. simply replacing the AP with DPS would do it for you, it’d lower the damage on MB, make dual rock strictly a threat use and lower enhancement shaman damage overall in one fell swoop.

why does a RB/RB shaman hit so hard? because they’ve effectively added ~55 dps to each weapon, which means in effect they are wielding dual ~90 dps 1h with normal AP.

I don’t understand anyone’s argument about one class being more skill based than the other (OP would agree). It’s CLASSIC! Literally nothing takes “skill” if you’ve played an iota of wow in any retail expansion beyond arguably wrath. There’s really no need to even talk about one class’s situational and rotational difficulty as an argument NOT to see how strong enhance is. And this is coming from a three time rank 1 player….

Everybody check out this shamcel freak! Thinks his opinion matters at all how cute!


Brother my cat can dominate as a Shaman right now.


Tell me what other class pales in comparison to the true strength, skill and dexterity it takes to play the shaman class?

Also what do you think of the relentless propaganda campaign that paladin players(gross) that have waged against shaman players?

Mutilate rogue. Luckily they are last dps where they belong.

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“legitimately 3 buttons”

Lol even in P2 of SOD if you are doing your rotation right it’s more like 8 buttons not counting Rockbiter/trinkets. I can’t speak for retail, but with Wrath it just gets more complicated so I’m not sure what you are on about.

Ret Paladin was my main before Shamans. I think it was actually about 5 buttons total I used on that guy, but I am down to compare GCD count.

With the XP Buff everyone rolled an Enh shaman, me included! It’s insanely OP lol.

In what world is Mut rogue last in DPS next to ranged Hunter and Frost mage lmao.

I bet youre the type that doesnt know what body type they are, has blue hair and posts on reddit a lot

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Not Classic.

cow actually thinks he times every grounding, LMAO!

Pink hair, male, chad jawline piercings and tattoos, don’t have a reddit account.

Your turn!

Wow. Just wow.

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Youve just described yourself as a mass consumer of soy milk lmao.