The Enh Shaman Problem

The people defending shamans clearly have no clue how other classes even work.

“Just wand the totems” - yeah cool, stand still for 2 seconds and wait for wand to go off
“just dispel the flame shock” - you do know most classes cannot dispell magic debuffs right?

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This 100%.

Neither of these do anything. The only nerf needed is to tune down way of earth damage by 30% and increase threat by 60%.
Do this for all tank runes on hybrids to rid the world of the meta lock cringe and way of earth cringe.

What you have left is a high damage class with no gap closer or CC, and dies in a single stun.

All of these changes are written by people who have 0 clue how the class plays.

If you think people wouldn’t just go shield mastery and be EVEN tankier with a slow mainhand and desynced shocks and better mana return on block, you are just wrong. They will. Just like when prot warriors or prot pals were broken in pvp because they DID TOO MUCH DAMAGE, people will play it. Turn down the damage on the TANK runes.


There are rogue tanks?

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To be fair every BG is 50% shadow priests.


Pvp does not exist in a 1v1 vacuum. Also good hunters will dump on shaman. Of course enhance needs a nerf i just think most pvpers (including fotm rerollers) are bad.

Just want to point out that meta locks have mediocre damage so it’s okay they are hard to kill.

Shamans on the other hand have the same tankiness, but can kill you in 2-3 global.

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I want to point out, that I also pointed that out.

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Make it mainhand only


Make it reduce the shamans damage by 25% but increases threat by an additional 30% (dps should not want this)

Test the above changes first, if they still need to be toned down reduce ap bonus to 10% or fully remove it.


that should also be nerfed.

lol, that’s the whole; entire point.

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The only problem with it requiring a shield is elemental shamans could still get full benefit from it with 0 damage loss.

And we already know they can output some amazing burst at lvl 60 so its better to nip that issue at the same time by making it a straight damage reduction instead of just “put on a shield”.

you do realize by not having the off hand to do lava lashes or off hand damage you would be taking a very big nerf to damage right?

I dunno. I’m at level 39 with my Enhance Shaman right now and it feels insanely weak compared to my Paladin. The damage is there but still feels weaker than Ret and also feels waaaaaaay squishier than Ret (even two mobs can be challenge). Also a key rune requires Ratchet Rep and totem quests are just a complete pain in the rear.

As a enhancement shaman main, I agree that double rock biter and spirit of the alpha is an issue. Decoy totem is absolutely necessary for enhancement shaman pvp, or else we just get cc’ed hard and killed instantly. Also way of the earth is good how it is, its just too much attack power with that extra defense. Right now the pvp meta is not friendly to melee what so ever.

My suggestion is:
-Make weapon imbunes, unique and you can only have 1 weapon imbune max of each spell. This could atleast keep open pvp use for RB mh and WF/FT OH.
-Get rid of the loyal beta, its not even being used as intended. A shaman tank would rather put spirit on alpha on a hunter pet or anything else, because the threat generation from 20 percent attack power is more advantageous then the 45 percent threat itself.

My man, you are literally foaming out the mouth. Take a chill pill and a day off from the forums.

Agreed nerf shammans buff ferals.

Also its very important to realize the tanking crisis, SoD has, right now with 10 man’s and the general parse crazed gamer population. Blizzard needs to keep incentive for strong tanking classes to keep the game alive and well.

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Elemental =/= enhance.

Ele isnt as big of an issue yet, but it already 100-0 people at 60 before runes in era, so we know it will be strong. And ele can use a shield with very minimal damage loss, if any.

ele caves to melee pressure as easily as every single other caster that has to hard cast their main damage.

they dont have neat tools like fear or seduce to get their casts off either.

youre worrying about something with simple counterplay.