No way do I want to go through all that again. No way I want to feel that loss again. Honestly I was sick and tired of the grind anyway. Hardcore is done. I don’t want to play retail either. Fun is over. It’s a horrible thing to lose your drug. I’m just going to have to go find fulfillment in real life, somehow.
I’m guessing you died?
I’m guessing this Paladin died at 56?
This is why I don’t understand the point of Hardcore. Sure, you can aim for a high score of some kind, but in the end it was all a major waste of time.
I guess that’s video games though. A waste of time.
Ya. I was counting the exp just wanting it to end. I think that’s why I just recklessly and stupidly dove into a bad pull. Sick of it all. I saw a lock commit suicide in front of me yesterday when he hit 60 and I was jealous. The main regret is getting so close and not making my goal. Feeling unfulfilled but at least its over.
The ones that mostly succeed in getting to 60 would be the ones who love the grind and love the journey. If it’s only 60 you’re chasing, you’ll get so much more let down than the others when you die. #GOAGANE
Classic and especially classic-hc is all about the journey, not the destination.
The only winning is if you are enjoying yourself in each moment you play. If not, as you mentioned, it is best to do other things.
The gf helped me digest the loss. I still can’t think of what to replace wow with.
Browse around, try some other genres. There’s so many different types of games out there that it’s almost a shame to stick to just wow
I definetly won’t be playing on an official blizz hc server if there’s no appeals. This game is too buggy and to much griefing to do that and not be able to appeal. The addon guys do appeals no problem. Some of the appeals seem automated and you get reactivated within mins for some of the pvp griefing deaths. Blizz should be able to easily do it considering the amount of players and $$$ hc will bring in.
I would’ve cancelled my sub months ago from bordem with wotlk and dragonflight. HC is the only thing keeping my sub active until ICC comes out. Even then, ICC would only keep me interested for a month or two and then I’d probably unsub again.
Agreed… there’s a ton of great games out there to play.
Unfortunately though the mmo market is lacking. Hopefully Amazon realizes the opportunity they blew. They were coming out at a perfect time to capitalize on wow deteriorating. Between rushing it and not listening to the beta testers, they blew a massive opportunity.
lol at even thinking amazon could make a good MMO
Can’t wait to see the disater they’re going to make with the new LoTR game.
If they had fun… where is the waste of time??
One could argue that having fun is a waste of time
Replace the words “hardcore” and “retail” with a persons name and this sounds like a dating break up story.
YG - Play Too Much ft. SAFE
You should have logged off and quit. Sounds like trying to get through a day working an unbearable job. Why do that in your free time.
Average Ret Pali playthrough