The end of Dragonflight

What if Blizzard hired Morgan freeman to play as Azeroth the strongest titan who is also a transgender, and she cough i mean he will transcend into one of the primals / ancients that were talked about in shadowlands?

Man the melt down the forums will have, i can imagine it now. Its so… nuclear that is funny.

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You do understand that would end up causing the forums to break capacity and result in 404’s all day.

I know, imagine the sheer toxicity and rage bait. The trolling and the “true wow playerbase” crying. Imagine Belluar and asmongold, and everyone else, the comments on wowhead and mmochampion. It would be like a nuclear fall out.

Great now the threads gonna be about transgender stuff - oh joy.

Sometimes you gotta sit down and watch the world burn.

Thanks, but can you like do it in another thread, please? Like the LGBTQ Lounge?

personally I prefer burning world trees, not worlds. … I just wanted to talk about Jack Black as a WoW VA.

I mean I thought how cool a character with morgan freemans voice actor would be,and the only “god like” character i can think of is Azeroth, but azeroth is a she. So the only way for it to make since would being trans. Got nothing against trans i’m neutral about the topic. But it was all in jesting and having fun with a ficitonary character.

We could change Thrall’s voice to Morgan Freeman… I think he’d make a great Thrall.

Playing my forsaken rogue and fighting with tyranda and how she “trusts me” when i was part of the main reason how the tree got to be burned in the first place was weird. Like Tyranda, if we had a faction war again i would be so happy taking you out on this forsaken rogue.

that would be great but chris metzen voices him and chris metzen is a legendary figure in the community so we would be doing a diservice.

I think a good example here is how questing with the red dragonflight was like in Cata. They were fighting a war against the black and twilight dragonflights and were dealing with their eggs being stolen/corrupted and also had the Twilight Hammer cultists right by their doorstep. As soon as you stepped in the Vermillion Redoubt, you saw a brief bit of beauty until you started to see red dragons being attacked, and twilight cultists running off with their eggs. One of the quest givers, Lirastrasza, was distrustful towards towards the player because of what they were going through. Then you had things like Caelestrasz sacrificing himself for the players to have a chance at defeating Sinestra, and Alexstrasza coming to terms that the black dragonflight cannot be saved and has to be destroyed.

It honestly felt like an actual war and there was a threat.

While in Dragonflight it’s just… Alexstrasza pleading with the Incarnates over and over again? And shedding a tear saying she regrets everything? It felt very off-putting and inconsistent. Almost as if the writers decided that she needed to fit a specific role rather than what made sense for the story.

It could be the voice in his head. IT’s only when he is thinking.

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I vaguely remember the Vermillion Redoubt. Wasn’t there an egg-fetching quest?

I remember vaguely that I couldn’t do it in cat form.



It was also where we had the terrible cinematic with Alex and Deathwing wrestling :sob:
But it was 2010 I’ll give them a pass :sob:

Druids really kinda got a stealth nerf with things this expansion didn’t they? Dragonflight -and soon to be dynamic flight takes one of their big advantages away. The ability to harvest in flight now everyone can do it. Provided their profession is leveled up.

But that VAing

Death is FINAL. Death is ETERNAL. Death is MY realm.

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Jailer being like: hold my beer

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Oh god, I forgot how terrible these were.