At least in terms of story. We just kinda … I don’t know how else to feel about it, the final boss fight felt very unheroic, if you’ll pardon a Casual Couch Warrior like me using the term. Fyrakk got hyped up to be this massive disaster of a threat, a walking nuke overwhelmed by his own ego, lust for power, and consuming an energy field bigger than his own head, and instead it felt very …
The closest thing I can think of is the final boss fight in the Arrakoa Spires dungeon from Warbods of Dadnor. We did the safety dance, we dealt with the adds, we stood in the good things and moved out of the bad and then we got … a budget-decrease version of the Sailor Moon transformation sequence.
It didn’t feel suitably epic, the Aspects kind of just … sat there. Imagine if the second phase was Fyrakk takes off into the air, planning on expending all his power on a kamikaze attack, either he’ll win and corrupt the World Tree into a vessel of Shadow and Flame, or he’ll die but die satisfied knowing he’s taken us all out with him.
So the players all jump onto the back of one of the Six ‘Aspects’ and take into the air in the cinematic, and it is just the Aspects and the Players hurling themselves at Fyrakk, diverting his course and creating a knock-down drag-out brawl through-out the Emerald Dream where Fyrakk is getting pounded out of the sky, players crawling all over him and stabbing frantically or blasting at him with magical powers, Dragon Aspects meeting him blow for blow, his corporeal form tearing apart as tendrils of Shadow, Flame and mutating flesh come coiling out, of Fyrakk screaming for help from his sister, revealing he’s no longer under the mental control of the Void within the Shadow Flame, but his body is now entirely co-opted by this ‘Entity’ and it will complete its mission.
Something along the lines of the amazing TeaCommonShark on YouTube is what I envisioned the fight would be.
Or am I just ranting into a clear blue sky again?