The Elitism In This Game Is Getting To Be Too Much

I am leveling an alt, a brewmaster monk. I join a random Ara Kara and start pulling. A rogue zooms past me and pulls half of the bottom floor, I say “please stop pulling extra stuff” somebody else in the group replies “pull faster” mind you this is within 1 minute of entering the dungeon, I politely say “I’m new to tanking so I’d rather not pull packs of 20 right now” literally 10 seconds later I am vote kicked from the group and given a deserter debuff. This is a bit ridiculous, there’s going to be tons of new players influxing who are going to be trying tanking and I can guarantee they will probably be pulling a lot less than me and they will probably get removed too and then won’t be able to enter another dungeon for half an hour. It’s ridiculous that you get the deserter debuff for being kicked but the elitism of this game has came way too far, this wasn’t a raid, this wasn’t M+, this wasn’t ranked PVP, this was a normal dungeon where people are coming to level and learn the game. Just blows my mind, you’ve got a holy grail of an expansion in your hands but the player base make it almost worse than the worst of expansions. Think I’d rather be stuck grinding covenant renown and anima, or leveling my heart of azeroth than stuck with people sweating over normal dungeons. Blizzard is trying to rework all these classes to be friendly to new players, but these new players aren’t going to get a chance to do anything at max level, if they even make it to max level with the amount of toxicity and elitism going on in this expansion.


What does any of this have to do with “elitism”?


You didn’t even try.

That’s the problem.

It’s one thing to fail, but you’re not willing to try, so you insist on slowing the group down.


I vote kick people for low damage in normals/heroics because it won’t brick the dungeon, someone will instantly replace them. I’m using whatever game mechanics are available to complete the dungeon in time.

If I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again… the timer in m+ brings out the worst in the community in regards to toxic dungeon behavior.

Blizzard fostered this gameplay style so I’m playing it the way they intended!

I think all of the responses so far absolutely prove the toxicity of the community and this is exactly why my wife wont play most group content.

The game is about fun, or should be, not about zooming through a dungeon in 5 minutes. Honestly, if you have ADHD that badly you cant sit around for a new tank to learn the ropes then YOU ought to be the one to just stay out of the instance pool. Honestly.

They shouldnt have to have the speed they want to play dictated by a DPS. If the DPS wants to fast pull then let the DPS go roll up a tank and do the pulls they want. You didnt even try is just another way of masking your own elitist attitude. Youre always free to leave and go find another dungeon where the tank pulls faster.

Again just a lame and juvenile excuse to deflect your own poor behavior.

Im positive no one at Blizzard INTENDED for you to abuse their vote kick tools to kick out a tank because they werent speeding along as fast as youd hope.

Normals and Heroics legit dont even matter anyway. So if youre that hardcore that you feel the need to be kicking anyone out of the group just because their DPS is low…I honestly think youre the problem. GO play a mythic if you want that level of challenge. Or, since its sooo easy to get a group, just leave yourself and go join one more your style.

My gut tells me you wouldnt vote kick a tank if the ques were more than 10 mins because you know youd wait as long to get into another dungeon as to wait for a slower tank but youll happily do it to a DPS. Again, pretty crappy behavior.

Personally, especially if I am with her, if I get anyone pulling extra groups I dont want, I tell them to stop. If they dont, I happily leave. As a tank I get insta ques and dont really have to deal with anyones nonsense


I agree

As i stated above my wife wont really do group content anymore because of the way people play. WHich is why Delves are such a great idea.

Blizzard recently wrote an entire article about how to play the game Solo as well…how much does that tell you?

My Warlock is struggling to get Mythics this season so far because so many group leaders have their heads firmly in the clouds as well. People need tanks but if youre DPS isnt 10-15 ilvls higher than the dungeon requires, itll take forever to get a group.

People keep treating normals and heroics like its premium content and they get bonus points for pulling the entire dungeon at once.

My only advice is just stick to playing with friends or guildies as much as possible. WoW community has been extremely toxic for years and I actually think now that Classic is out, its even worse. Because a good number of the playerbase that WAS chill and patient went to go play that and whats been left are the impatient dregs


Try follower dungeons to learn to tank.

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This is exactly what the OP is talking about. If you are worried about low damage in Normal/Heroic dungeons you are elitist trash


Work with the team, or get booted because other people are willing to work with the team.

The tank found out.

Elitist comment of the day.

Youre not wanting them to “work with the team”

Youre wanting them to DO what YOU want. Theres a huge difference there. The tank is the one tanking. End of story. Always has been. DPS are replaceable, tanks and healers arent. YOu always defer to your tank and healer and their capability, otherwise you cant dungeon.

Running off and pulling more than the tank or healer are comfortable with is both stupid and not great etiquette.

From the sounds of it one guy was acting like rubbish, the tank said something and because he dared to speak his mind the group kicked him. Its EXACTLY the kind of toxic behavior people are sick of.

Youre making the exact argument for the OP and youre stuck up to realize it


I often am the healer, and will pull more because I am bored.

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You join a group. Instead of trying to catch up with them, you want to force them to follow your pace and call them toxic for not obeying you. Who is the real toxic ?
There is nothing to learn in a leveling dungeon as a tank. You press W all the way to the boss while pressing 3-4 buttons of the simplest rotation in game. That’s all.

So let me clarify, I was pulling plenty of mobs, I just wasn’t going to pull half of the dungeon. There’s plenty to learn in normal dungeons, I personally am trying to get my rotation down for future, harder content. Everyone is missing my point I’m not so upset for myself but we have people joining this game every day, when I started raiding in cataclysm and was a teenager I had people helping me learn heroic mechanics. People who are new to this game are not going to even be taught simple mechanics by groups like this and that’s a problem. There is no challenge in normal dungeons and they don’t have to be rushed just because you’re on your 9th alt that you’re going to let sit on the Home Screen. If somebody is pulling 5-10 mobs at a time as a tank let them do that, just like how a lot of DPS just stand completely still and ignore every mechanic.


Complete the dungeon “in time”? My man, we’re talking about Normals and Heroics here - there’s no timer!

If you’re putting some imaginary timer on those dungeons in your head, that’s on you - but it is kind of elitist to put a mental timer on a random dungeon group.


This is patently false. The tank pulls, so - by definition - they set the pace of the dungeon. If you don’t like the pace that random tanks pull at, you are free to roll a tank and pull at a pace you’d prefer at any point in your WoW career.

Secondly, there are things to learn. Even being a quite experienced player myself, I use normal and heroic dungeons to re-learn muscle memory of new keybinds, abilities, etc. while leveling and gearing. Also, especially with the new Hero talents, many players prefer a low-pressure environment to test new builds or talents in actual combat environments.

A little patience - and a little bit of compassion for players who might not be on your level with the spec they’re currently playing - goes a long way.


The scripting in follower dungeons is currently trash. It doesn’t allow you to properly learn any role as the NPCs constantly rubber-band and things are just not the same as running a real dungeon. Right now, follower dungeons are basically good just for story mode and maybe some free low-level gear.


Stop trying to tank in content that doesn’t need tanks.

You won’t know how to tank effectively until stuff kills you. Until then, you just push buttons because it doesn’t matter what you do.

for some people, zooming through a dungeon in 5 minutes is fun :slight_smile:


Brother, where do you expect someone learns tanking, or any role for that matter? They just jump straight into mythics? Or the raid?


Yep, that’s exactly what they should do.

You can’t exactly play well if the game doesn’t have any failure conditions.

If taking damage was all the sufficed, then bumping into world quest mobs would do just as well.