I don’t want an empire or for elves on the other faction be ok with what Belves did. I just want a Silvermoon update. Which seems to come with another hug it out and pretend to be friends story.
Who knows how much we’ll be working together though. Might only be to fight the void and then go back to hating each other.
It’s just quite noticeable that Blood Elf players are more inclined to portray an edge lord persona with their “BUt MuH FaCTiON PriDe” behavior, than Horde races, to which such behavior would better suit.
I mean, look at the new Night Elf village. It seems to be neutral, even after the Horde burned down Teldrassil, contaminated Darkshore, terraformed Azshara into a Horde symbol and extensively deforested Ashenvale.
Do you really think, if the Night Elves keep things neutral, Silvermoon will stay hostile? Wouldn’t be surprised if Gilneas becomes neutral as well, even though they have just as many reasons to despise the Horde as Night Elves.
I guess the whole city allegiance thing is gradually fading away. It’s just the way it is. Making a fuss about it won’t change anything anymore.
Azshara being a Horde Symbol was because the connecting part is where Zin’Azshari fell into the sea and became apart of Nazjatar. That’s not the Goblins doing, that was more well Azshara herself.
It makes no sense for Amirdrassil to be called a new “home” for the night elves but then have it neutral. Seems more like a slap in the face. Not to mention that greiving over loved ones lost in a horrific event has no time limit. Grief is a cycle. Sometimes it’s a never ending one.
What is edgelord about not wanting to cuddle with the enemy?
People who didn’t like us so much that they exiled us or moved away or stayed away. Some people that we exiled because they could have blown us up?
And what is wrong with faction pride? Belves have been in the Horde since the first expac and have a pretty rough history with the Alliance. We ally once to save our people 24 years ago and now we are supposed to love them?
Yeah and people hate that too. So why should I like it?
That’s why I hate it. But I’m hoping Alliance are forced to the Isle again like last time. Horde already lost UC. It shouldn’t lose Silvermoon too.
Gilneas is probably not gonna be open, just an instance for those quests, like top part of UC and Brill for those quests.
Yeah they are chipping away at player choice for some because others wanna hug it out and pretend history (even recent) doesn’t matter.
You do realize, that your allies are Orcs, who use mud for their buildings, living corpses, who probably smell… not that nice, cows, foxes, trolls, who enjoy living in a jungle and goblins?
But another kind of elves, which happens to like trees is too much?
The only thing that will happen, like always in modern WoW, is that all different elves will be friends and just forgive each other in a small cutscene. From one second to another they realize that they’re all the same and they need to band together and heal. Because it’s always been about family and friendship.
I mean, if we want to be honest, this aspect has been repeated over and over again since the end of Warcraft III. It’s exhausting that the same lesson has to be learned so many times.
No it really has not. What was repeated was people coming together for a brief moment to take on a big bad. There were not moments where we just became besties forever and let everyone live in our cities.