The elephant in the room - buying gold


You guys need to address this soon. As a person who’s been playing since Vanilla i see both the pros and cons of allowing users to buy gold. I can tell you though, the illegal gold farmers are already spamming classic realms because you have given them a market to tap into now because you didn’t include this in classic.

Here’s the deal: you have already set the precedent of buying gold safely/legally and this feature needs to be available in classic.

So the questions.

  1. when will this be available in classic
  2. will it include ability to buy tokens
  3. plans to weight the retail/classic upon purchase of gold/tokens (ie, token on classic realm cost 150g, token on retail cost 150k g) for example

The reality here is do you want that revenue or do you want to freely give it away? You can’t say it’s legal to buy gold in retail but claim illegal in classic.


pandora’s box question.

i dont care if they add tokens or not personally.

there’s pros and cons to both ways.

utlimately though, let’s not be naive -> there will always be an rmt market for any mmo ever - cause time is money friend!


No. What should be done is fix the layer exploit and remove all gold and XP gained thru layer hoping.
Just say no to buying gold!


Keep gold buying out of Classic and ban the users who buy gold just like in Vanilla days. My wife’s boyfriend bought gold back in vanilla and rightfully got banned for it.


@Noof, you’re my favorite poster - i love you man


Anecdotally, the only gold sellers I’ve seen were the few people who made fake/mock advertisements in General Chat to “be funny” (and hilariously, probably got reported/suspended for their “joke”).

Gold selling/buying, which is punishable if found, is less harmful than sanctioned pay-to-win WoW Tokens. No tokens. Classic is classic. Just ignore/block the gold sellers.


No way tokens belong. If farmers want to sell gold to people let them. Bliz can find them all easily in a fresh economy. If tokens get into play then every price on AH goes up 1,000% because it’s “what people can afford” that determines the economy right now, not how much cash a person spends IRL.


I can imagine some people will be better at gold farming than others, and may do so in Classic. If those people decide to sell their gold to others for being gifted game time, is that against the EULA?

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as tempting as buying gold is, I don’t want the option in classic. The economy will get wrecked and a number of things that make classic engaging will get screwed up along with that.


the problem is, modern gamers like the token system (like kronos in eq). people who can’t spend the time farming gold, but got disposable income - which also increased business revenue – it’s a win win except for the people who thinks everyone should work as hard as they did in game for the same stuff.

i’m not a buyer of things, i play for fun, and if i need gold, i’ll eventually earn it. i’m just pointing out - for the masses - they like to save time with RL cash and it’s become a standard thing in alot of games these days.

anyway, like i said, i could take it or leave it when it comes to tokens.

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I was telling my friend the other day that people are finally getting into the 30’s; the AH is now packed with blue items people want, and so now we will see certain folks asking about buying legal gold from Blizzard because they dont want to play the game to earn it.

A lot of passive aggressive: “Well I don’t CARE if they add it… But IF they added it… I can see how it could have some upsides”.

Makes me roll my eyes. No. Go grind your gold. The gold farmers will be dealt with the old fashioned way.



Ban gold buyers/sellers.

End of the story.


Where would this stop? Should we be able to buy character boosts, too? What about in game items that level with our character, and also provide experience boosts, giving us an advantage over others, because we have more money IRL to spend on the game, and less time to play?


The gold sellers are prob using layering to the max.

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No f’ing way to the token. We don’t need the destruction of burgeoning economies.

And on the gold sellers, LOVE how now they try and invite you to chat channels instead of sending you report able /whispers.


While most will likely agree with you, the only thing you mentioned that may happen is the exploit getting addressed. Even that may not be to your liking though as they may simply wait until server populations stabilize and then remove layering altogether meaning it will continue to be exploited for a while longer.
As for them removing the gold and xp acquired by the exploit, that just isn’t going to happen in any lifetime.
As for selling gold, Blizz likely will not as it wasn’t in Vanilla so should not be here. Your problem here isn’t with Blizz but with the many players that can and will buy gold. The threat of a ban to gold buyers is rather hollow as it is simple to work around the issue.

Let’s be real here folks.

If you’ve been playing with Vanilla you know attempting to keep up with farmers / bot farmers is a never ending, with no end in sight. Blizz takes 1 down, 5 new ones pop up. On my realm yesterday, i was hit with gold farmers within 4 hours.

There are other items at play here too, like account security, account take overs and blizz’s loose responsibility about safe game play.

For those folks being naive about this: people that want to buy gold, will buy gold.


probably - i mean - 3rd party power leveling has been available for almost any mmo i’ve ever played.

I’m just saying - dont be naive if some people want it or ask about it.

The only driving factor for no tokens and no rmt = people SHOULD have to earn their own stuff in game.

But the reality is, we all have varying incomes and varying play times.

Again, i dont spent RL $$ outside of my sub cost cause i’m a frugal person, and for me personally, if i instantly got all the stuff i wanted, why would i play the game?

ultimately my mentality is this: i like to earn my own stuff myself - it’s fun for me - i have a grinding style personality (aka, i did 0 quests between 30-34 cause i like seeing ogres die).
BUT -> im not opposed to the idea of tokens/etc for folks who don’t have the same play time as me or people who have the means to blow more money on a hobby.

At least 3 times in the 24hrs played I was asked to join a www gold sellers group channel.
Is this blizzard doing this?
I’ll answer… No.

Then risk your entire account doing so. That’s the rule. We aren’t in denial about what people will do. We are defending the penalty of doing so.

So go ahead and buy your gold. And get your account nuked and waste sub money $ gold money simultaneously. That’s the way this works. You guys are trying to change that and remove the penalty.
