The elephant in the room - buying gold

report and move on - pretty simple.

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They’ve already addressed this.


/pets the room Elephant

Whats his name?


Nobody knows how long each phase is. At this point, if they don’t address the hoping issue. They might as well add token gold to classic because already the AH is pathetic.

In my many years of playing I have never heard of an account being banned for buying gold. Only those accounts being the seller / compromised / taken over accounts.

lol, i was so right

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I love you dude, this is right on so many levels. Even my wifes boyfriend is nodding in agreement. Enforcing the rules is better than token imo.

can’t steal noof’s joke, sorry bud. dont be a poser @jastar

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We all know WoW Tokens are coming to Classic. This is their primary motivation for Classic and future Classic servers. It’s just a matter of time.


Yeah, that’s a fair point. I mean, definitely some people want this, and some people will likely go out their way to get it.

There does seem to be a pretty big difference between it being against the EULA, and it being supported by Blizzard though. And while I do not suspect that tokens are leaving Retail any time soon, I don’t see them as bringing meaningful value to Classic.

If people do go out of their way to buy gold, or leveling services from third parties, they very much do risk account suspensions and bans. That’s a thing.

I suppose in some sense, we could liken this with something that was illegal but now is legal in some states and whose name cannot be used on this forum. If it’s illegal, it costs a lot of government money (ultimately borne by the taxpayers) to enforce. Whereas if it is legalized, and regulated, the government collects taxes, and this may lead to better outcomes for taxpayers, though I did quote your saying, “don’t be naive…”

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I think we understand each other — i get your points too.

The I assume you havent been playing for long. Banned accounts for buying gold were EVERYWHERE in the game prior to tokens. Absolutely everywhere. Hell theres someone in this very discussion thread that spoke of someone he knew getting banned in vanilla for it.

They banned tons of players for it. And will do so in classic. After all, if people didn’t fear that ban, they would just buy from gold sellers and stop “soft lobbying” for tokens.

I was going to make a USA / drug analogy but felt not appropriate. But yes I agree with you. :slight_smile:

You’re dreaming if you think they’re going to add the Token system to Classic. The backlash to such a stupid move would be gargantuan. You may as well be asking them to add Dungeon Finder. It ain’t gonna happen.


I have been playing since classic.

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The difference is he believed them when they said “I have no idea why I was banned, nobody gave me a reason”.

I like to call it Dumbo as that works on so many levels.

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It wouldnt be classic without gold spammers lol. You are however a fool if you actually go through with it.

I read that twice and laughed the second time.

post up the blue post link.