yeah all the gold being hoarded for raid items actually had a deflationary effect on the economy good luck explaining that to the average forum goer though.
Just lol. Potentially 95% of all RMT is done through GDKP’s apparently.
It’s a mess. Massive botting and out of control AH prices. You would think after 20 years they could figure it out.
All these “sanctions” are just for show.
You’re asking the company to curb gaming behavior that is prevalent throughout most of modern-day video gaming.
It’s just never going to happen.
Quite the opposite; the more they sanction it, the more lucrative the black-market part of it becomes.
The excuses that people make for gdkp’s being an healthy thing are ludicrous.
The new one of inflation being related with the ban on gdkp’s is attrocious and just shows how dependent many non lifers and rmt’ers were on this system.
The intention behind the ban on gdkp’s never was to end or aliviate inflation, but to end the obvious and recurrent access to raid end game gear, through swipped money and to mitigate the prejudice caused by this system on more casual guilds, which was obvious. Many, if not the majority, prefer to just buy or look for a spot in the next gdkp available, instead of work in the progress of their guild.
With gdkp’s on, raiding turns into a gold contest and in a rmt feast.
Current inflation is being caused by boots and hoardes of mages/hunters farming abnormal amounts of gold in well known spots. Raiding is not even a major factor in the economy yet, probably more than 80% of players are under lvl 50.
Measures to stop massive farming in instantes like zf were a success in the past, i can’t understand why they weren’t implemented in this one.
I think most of the players who hate GDKP and don’t use any logic or reason to try and understand the eco system are also gold buyers and that represents a lot of people sadly.
It’s like there’s an army of sock puppets complaining to each other about swiping being nerfed (no GDKP) every day. I am going to invest in a sock company and get rich.
Sorry guy, you’ll have to spend your swipe somewhere else.
That’s fine, apparently it’s ok to buy raid loot for fixed amounts (Blizz is doing absolutely nothing to stop this).
This is probably one of the most ridiculous posts ever made in this forums.
Most people crying for gdkp’s, besides swippers, belong to well established guilds which are used to feed on whales.
With gdkp’s on, this guilds don’t need to farm and normally end monopolizing entire servers economies.
But they keep pretending, they weren’t doing anything wrong, besides organizing and “sponsoring” this recurrent raids.
What these guilds did to ERA was probably much more nefarious to classic in general, than even booting.
Yeah no, you are completely and unimaginably wrong
Please read this:
The truth is coming to light through Anniversary servers and you are all going to have to admit it sooner than later. The GDKP gold sink is gone now, and there are no respec cost gold sinks either. prices will continue to skyrocket.
Good luck with consumes cost as you progress the phases
Time is ticking
Anti’s dont care about RMT, otherwise you would be campaigning for the best RMT ban possible in this game - the auction house and trade
You aren’t getting back GDKP.
Some prices have gone up where others have gone drastically down.
You’re failure to understand the economy of the game is evident here.
I have done a sum total of 5 GDKP’s ever, and I was formerly very vocal against them on Era because I had very little information other than Gold buyers = GDKP and we had no evidence at that time that GDKP was not the driving force behind Gold buying.
What showed me that GDKP is not the source of gold buying was in Late november or early december of 2023 when Blizzard FINALLY banned the gold farmer bots and some buyers in Classic Era Whitemane.
Meanwhile on SoD the gold famer bots and buyers were going mad buying tons of gold where GDKP is expressly banned.
I saw the same pattern show up here on Classic FRESH anniversary where GDKP is flat banned and doing that will get you removed form the game, but despite this Gold buying is so bad on “FRESH” that the economy on Nightslayer is now inflated as Whitemane…
This is shocking to me because it took Whitemane 4 years to have this much inflation, and there was a bot plague for a while but it never did anywhere near this kind of damage while having what visibly looks like the same amount of bots… Why?
Well the only thing I can think of because I am not irrationally stupid, is the GDKP soaks up Gold form the economy because its used to buy Loot. And after each raid the gold is re-distributed to the raiders who use that as currency. So in a strange twist of fate, the GDKP actually deflates the economy making the price of playing a new character reasonable.
Most people are not “farming normally” anyways
They are making mage alts and making gold through dungeon boosts, ZF farm, etc - because bots have a strongarm on world resources.
uh welcome to classic wow. the economy is actually terrible not because of what you think
Gromsblood, currently is 5 gold PER PLANT. ONE plant = 5gold. its not even p2.
But hey they know what they are talking about dont they?
Luckily I have one of the only farms the bots and gold farmers can’t strongarm - devilsaur
Every raid is perfectly doable without flasks.
This alarmism around consumable prices, around here, is very suspect. Especially if we have into account that this are heavily layered servers, where not even half of the population is done with leveling.
If you want your guild sitting all day at raid entrances just waiting for “customers”, ERA is that way.
Playing the AH is how some play wow.
But I agree you notice patches where somebody has come into some gold and they’ll buy out a section and repost, they then have a bot or just the time to snaffle up anything cheaper that could be sold for a mere 50s more.
Not for tanks and melee it isn’t.
If you arent going to consume anyways youll be relegated to guilds full of players who also are as lazy as you. You also just revealed that you have never cleared Naxx, and probably not even aq40 either. You dont clear those raids without consumes.
I won’t have any problem with consumes the entire server, i’m already pushing 10k gold by next week.
Heavily layered servers means there are more resources available, not less.
Our guild does not do this made up nonsense you assume we do.
Yup they’re delusional. Took WMC 4 years to get to that point.
I am on WMC AH right now, and per Groms blood its 4.73.44 Bid / 4.98.44 buyout.
Mind you WMC is 4 years old… EL OH EL…
But meanwhile on NS the gold buyers swiping so hard they broke the economy but “GDKP” is the devil here right?
They’d be too scared to try it without every buff available.
you could argue why the wouldn’t but don’t go saying to them classic is piss easy because it will dent ego’s and the weight of their accomplishment.