The Dwarf Lounge

Now we’re talkin’!


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Hail, o hearty hooligans! Since Switftraven’s salubrious substitution of rapacious rodents was met with misgivings and mistrust, I thought to introduce myself in honesty.


I may not sport a sincerely singular beard, though a well-groomed touch of facial hair adds significant sophistication, which our dear dwarf friends have in spades. One needs only look between the multiple mugs and tankards touted in cheers of friendship to garner their generosity and good faith.

Heedless of such pedantic pleasantries, I have concocted a new beverage, perfect for light-hearted merriment such as that within this luxurious lounge. By decanting delicious dwarven stout over kaleidoscopic Kaldorei ginger wine, I’ve made a respectable refreshment both scintillatingly smooth and prodigiously potent. My alchemical abilities are fair, but I expect I’ve exceeded my humble mixology training.

To your health!


I prefer sassy, but I’ll take my leave. I’ll at least have some respect for you. After all you put up with my sass a lot.

Hello, I am a very tall and green dwarf, yes. Gimme beer plz.

HEY… My eloquent Elven poet!

You are welcome here elf, just be mindful of our beards. And ale. That is all!

Do you want an infamous Dvärgak hug?

scootches towards elf

Pulls out a couple skins of Dwarven mead n digs around for his pipe.

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We were running out of cookies. We’ll take it.

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Awww Grumbles didn’t show up? :frowning:

He did, but I haven’t seen him for hours…

I was beginning to worry. :frowning: Can I have an elf hug?

You are welcome here any time my articulate friend!

Your alcoholic beverage is simply amazing too.


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He’s very special as far Elves go.

Bows in front of poet

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brings in a cart of chili fries and variety of other food such as chicken and boar ribs


Are you sure? Most people die from Blood Plague when I hug them :anguished:

Hawkens, you shouldn’t have. :heart: :heart: :heart:

Now we FEAST!

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I’ve had so many ales right now, I don’t think it will matter.

The generous gnome gifted patrons of the lounge with copious amounts of cookies earlier, though he may have since taken his leave, lamentably.

In the meantime, might I offer a conjured mana bun? Being made of magic, it’s curiously devoid of caloric value, but is succulently sweet.

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You had my curiosity … but now you have my attention.


Will you join us?

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it’s okay, like a prot pally, he has Protection

one at a time firstly.
the nightborne across the room has twenty complaints about your thread.

hands list of complaints
i’m not in charge, so do w/e ya want.

i bring the chili fries everywhere…

toppings are of your choice as well however.