The Dwarf Lounge

snatches :beer:

Dumps it

We. Will. Never. Be. Slaves!

-Wait… there WAS Fel in that brew… right?

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It was just fine dwarven stout. The poor booze!


Sweet spring wind blows into the tavern

Squirrels and birds and other small woodland animals scurry in through the door

Carissaria enters, and pulls a giant keg of ale delight out of the ground

I have arrived!


Drinks it off the ground

So long as you bring ale you’re alright with me!

Best watch the squirrels and what-not though. Know some dwarves that’d think they were fine eatin’.

Not me though. Still happy with grumble’s cookies.


Saved it! Here, have another and in a mug this time.

Cheers! :beers:

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That’s… that’s the best use of druidic magics I’ve ever witnessed, including during that whole “defeating Xavius in the Emerald Nightmare” schmozz a couple years ago.

Here’s to that! :beer:


Ikr. Who needs to save the world when you can summon animals and beer?



There is a distinct lack of elves invading this thread. A change is needed.

We’ve already appointed several honorary dwarves. A few have been elves.

What qualities make you suitable for honorary dwarf-hood, and therefore, free booze and cookies?

THat’s the spirit!

I’m not looking to be a dwarf, I want the elves to invade!

You’re a mean elf. :frowning:

Just look at its eyes. Ew.

No beard either.

We also need some gnomes in here…more ale please.


An abomination.

Here ya go sister! :beers::beer::beers::beer:


I fought with several demom hunters against the legion. Some okay elves amongst them.

This one is just mean.

Alrighty then. Hide your axe in your beard just in case.

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And my flail? Please?

puppy eyes

Of course. Can’t ever be safe enough!

Take this too :beer: