The Dwarf Lounge

Points mug towards Banothus with a smirk

Ya know what to do lad!

Upon further inspection…

“Lad, I did’nae 'ave the 'eart ta tell ye. Yer a Death Knight. Ya dun’nae ‘ave tha’ spell…”


snaps fingers

“Drink deep a yer cup, friend.”

I am a Forsaken Destruction Warlock! I do have that spell! I know what I am and what I have!!!

An he’s deed tae boot, stone deed. Nae pulse or nothing.

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Story checks out.

Do you do children’s parties?


“Aye. No drinkin’ age fer Dwarfs. The wee beardlings do love their ale…”

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Ow! Hey! We got a beard thief in here!!

/throws tankard at Normercy

Casts Mind Freeze once, breaks Destruction Warlock’s rotation.

Me: “Ha!”

Warlock attempts to get back into rotation.

I cast Asphyxiate.

Warlock: “Damn it…”

Pats shoulder with immense force

Beard thief?!

tries in vain to cover his beard with his hands.

Tucks beard under chestpiece, and whistles

I am immune to all of those things you used against me. Only thing you can do is run and hope you’re far enough away from me.

puts on deadly beard protection (see profile)

Who ordered the talking chicken wing? You know what I think I’ll take two chickens.

/Looks around the room

Huh… wonder where our fluffy panda friends are, they usually stop in by now… free beer and all… /shrug

:thinking: Lad, me thinks th’ embalmin’ fluid got to ya befer th’ ale did… no have a seat an’ hush befer ya hurt ya self…

That’s pronounced “Bronzebeard” lad, or is it lass? Never can tell with you Elven folk… :wink: :beer:

Thank ye and well met! :beers::beer:

Your beard is truly magnificent.

(puts out a lovely tray of cookies for dorfs, their friends and their beards.)



Ain’t nothing wrong with me. Now bow before the Mighty Jaquestiney or forever be in the shadowlands.