The Dwarf Lounge

Thank you for the cookies Grumbles! You have a nice moustache yourself!

:heart: :cookie: :heavy_plus_sign: :beer:



At LAST, I’d been needing some cookies.


Well met my little Gnomish friend! Interest ya’n a pint? :beers: :beer:


Why yes thank you! (drinks heartily)

(puts out more cookies, even adding some with sprinkles so Jaquestiney behaves himself)



They speak of an 8th Wonder of the World.

I say it is Grumbles and his magical cookies…

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(brings amazing beard of great fluffiness to the thread and eats a cookie and drinks bear)

:cookie: :beer:


The Dwarf Lounge

Made from several high ranking dwarves, skinned by hand and use their own beards to complete the comfortable cushions, this marvelous piece could be yours as the center piece to your personal housing , be the envy of all your friends, but buy soon as they are limited in number!

Coming soon Gnome bean bags… the best gift your pets never knew theyd need! :smiley:

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You ever been jumped by a mob of angry dwarves? Cause you’re about to be with that kind of talk.

(Lmao, that’s a disturbing imagine if I’ve ever imagined one.)

Salute :beers:


A mess of scraggly hair, crushing body weight, sharp helmets poking, and bits of food everywhere.

I was jumped once… :frowning: my knees have never been the same ever since, which is why I carry Small Pox Dwarf Repellent! Buy yours today to stave off those persistent pests :smiley:

You’re a Daemon. Shame on you.

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Silly elf, fireblood / stoneform cures diseases. Nice try though! I admire your spirit.

Have a beer! :beer:

Oi! Me beard ain’ scraggly!

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No, it is braided perfection and I am jealous.

Nah. Don’ be. Ye be sportin’ me favorite DID beard. :+1:t2: :beers: :beer:

Lad, take no offense. If we jumped him, our braids would surely come undone!

BESIDES, between you and me, we all have a scraggly beard day once in a while

Nah, that’s what th’ brass weights we use are fer. Let’s our beards flow freely in all their majesty during a brawl with ou’ comin’ undone!

Aye, but when me’h beard tells me it needs t’a breathe, I let it.

LOL! Our armor may get a bit muddy an’ disheveled (during a fight of course, no self respectin’ Dwarf would let their armor stay that way!), but our beards always look their best! :beers:

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