The Dwarf Lounge

*stealths and sneaks through the room putting little flowers in all the beards…

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Dwarves are the best when it comes to fitting new shoes and sharpening my horns.

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Damn Warframe…

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You git with that sort of talk or next time your pet taunts I’m not taunting back.

And fluffy won’t like that.

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Everyone knows Dwarves can’t resist the /waggle

/waggling intensifies

:muscle: none of you dwarves can take on Jaquestiney, Hero of Azeroth, the one shotting chaos bolt warlock. I am too powerful for this universe. Any may challenge me but I warn you, you will be killed very easily and quickly.

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Tell me Jaquestiny, why kill when we can drink…?

Nods and continues drinking

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Casts spell reflect just before chaos bolt launches.

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Teleporting in is a rare Dwarf mage.

“Banothus Deeprune at yer service. Why would a Dwarf get inta magic ya might ask?”

Banothus’ eyes twinkle, and his mustache rises at one side revealing a smirk. His fingers twirl as he utters a short incantation under his breath.

“'Cause I can do this!”

All the glasses in the lounge are instantly refilled and chilled to the perfect temperature.



Stares in awe

My hero…

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Just when I was getting low on beer. Banothus is the real MVP here. :heart:

rips rat from Swiftravens face

Shame on you, there be starvin’ Dwarf children in IronForge!


you lost your own city there’s no way we are trusting you with this lounge

My chaos bolts penetrates everything including spell reflects, and it is also not interruptible, and I am immune to any sort of cc or other such annoyances. Once I start casting it, your only option is to run as fast as you can or face instant death.

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Dwarves don’t run.

Do you even have a chin to cultivate a beard… phhhffft!

So you’re cheating then.

Come on Jaq, that’s hardly sporting.


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Teleports the undead to Dalaran crater

“Enjoy the fall, lad.”




Uses Demonic Circle: Teleport hey guys I’m back. Who’s ready to die?