The Dwarf Lounge

Heheheh. :grin:

There’s a particular night elf druid lass you might want to watch out for if she offers you any meat. :sweat_smile:

Well the meats are all ready! Help yourselves! If you’re not satisfied with how cooked they are, feel free to leave them on the grill and let them cook for a while longer.

Grabs a beer and sips it gingerly :beer:

I’m afraid my internet is getting unstable, so I’ll probably catch you guys later.


Thanks for the food!

*grabs a sausage and some paleo steak

Hope your internet gets itself in order. I do not miss the days of it simply raining and my internet going out.

*raises fist at AT&T


The authenticator prevents account LOGINS as well?!

Thanks for the food my elven friend! You’re welcome here anytime!


At least it isn’t Windstream… I had those guys for years and it was thebqorst service I have ever had.

munches on pelio steak

Yeah! Unless you approve of it by inputting the code that is texted to your phone (or the one displayed on the mini authenticator.)

The authenticator is awesome. It’s almost 100% secure.

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So, theoretically, I am safe as of this moment?

Dwarven Drinking Tune.


This is one of my personal favorites. Its technically a classic popular Newfoundland folk song regarding the death of a man and the antics of his friends as they engage in a traditional Irish wake.

Spoilers for after the video

If you look up the original version of the song, it turns out his “friends” actually hated him. (I mean, no surprise really if you listen to the lyrics…)

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slams a full cask of cherry grog to the ground

I hope you enjoyed your weekend.

I made Cakebeard the Rogue, and got him to level 5 this weekend. Then I was distracted by orc things.


Welcome back Fenshire! Glad to hear that Cakebeard has become a reality!

I made friends with the orcs from Draenor this weekend and started a hunter named Tormok.

He is currently hunting plainstriders and quillboar in the barrens.


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Excellent!!! I have a mag’har shaman friend named Krolk in Northrend. Let me know if Tormok needs any help!

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Will do!

Tormok has some work to do and some walking chandeliers to shoot.

Dang lightforged messing things up…

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I noticed that I only needed one more win in Alterac Valley to get the “Master of Alterac Valley” achievement. (The rest I had done over 10 years ago. They added in the 100 wins at some point when I didn’t have an active subscription. It bothered me, as a dwarf, that I didn’t have this achievement under my belt already so I’d work on it as time allowed.)

I lost every single Alterac Valley game from Thursday night to Sunday night. (Weekends are normally bad, but this was extra bad.) So on late Sunday night, I had one more queue left in me. I said to myself, “Why don’t you put on your AV transmog for good luck? Cross the finish line wearing it for old times’ sake.”

I transmogged into my Stormpike Emissary outfit.

AV queue pops.

We won.


Wooot! Grats Beli!

Beers for everyone in celebration of Beli’s glorious achievement!



fat humans and even more psychotic trolls!
we Dark Irons are still the best

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All dwarves are the best, Loko!

We have better beards, they have better heritage armor. It evens out.


The best mmorpg ever , classic still my favorite ones, 2004-2006 ( RIP L2 )


slams his cask of cherry grog down, and lays out a plate of sausages

In this time of Kul Tirans and trolls gaining the spotlight, do not ever forget you are the greatest of the Alliance races.

I have prepared these sausages for your enjoyment. They are not the same sausages I have given the Kul Tirans. So they are truly delicious and safe.

eats a sausage


eyes sausages suspiciously and gets some cherry grog

Are you sure that you didn’t get the sausages mixed up? I hope you are.

Either way, dwarves and orcs have to stick together against this deluge of thicc-boys and pompous trolls. We will weather the storm!

Cheers! :beers:

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Dwarves!!! I’m drunk!