The dungeons in War Within are terrible

… And multiple. People “hate” these dungeons because they’re bad/keyboard turn. These dungeons have been a blast so far, fully cleared 3x as well and can’t wait to push extreme on the 17th.

Way more pugs than premades… so u pretty much screw over anyone whos not a tryhard with tryhard friends…

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This one has Court of Stars vibes.

Yes the dungeons are bad/keyboard turn.

Yes, the PLAYERS. This is a true matter of skill.

I like the 4 level up dungeons for the most part. Ara-Kara is a bit annoying, but not too bad.

I genuinely despise all of the gimmick dungeons at 80. Darkflame Cleft and Dawnbreaker are abysmal dungeons with almost no redeeming qualities. Please stop making gimmicks. Make dungeons with solid fundamentals and some good scenery.


Never really understood the hate for that dungeon tbh. Besides the little annoying rp find the spy part it wasn’t a bad dungeon at all. Was hilarious getting into a group that would try to kill that one boss before killing the enforcers, and the group getting wiped by the 3 adds lol.

I agree with you. Just stupid trash dungeons. These devs must have been on drugs or something dreaming this stupidity up. The Meadery one i was in… I think it was, full of trash, and bees are from Brooklyn apparently with their stupid accents trying to tell a story.

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I like the Dawnbreaker dungeon quite a bit. I don’t know what people’s problem with it is, outside of bugs (something I haven’t experienced with the dungeon yet).

People think Dragonflight’s were better? I think all of the dungeons in WW are better than Dragonflight’s. After I got used to it, Dawnbreaker is even better than Offensive. I still hate the dungeon, but I hated offensive so much more.

I’ll be more specific. mini bosses did not spawn even though they were marked. Even when picking up the orbs just random deaths. Constantly falling through the ship floor like it doesn’t exist. Dawnbreaker is a garbage instance.

completely agree

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