The Drust, possible allied race?

A human based race with actual lore too :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I mean humans have lore, they’re the malformed offspring of vrykul, a sort of devolution of the people to something smaller and weaker.

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I mean…tell me about stormwind humans culture than…because humans are bland as all hell.

If you’re suggesting that the KT humans have drust blood in them, that was only ever a fan theory. One that Blizzard shot down a while back.

Officially KT humans are just normal humans, but fat.

No they didn’t?

Ulfar literally says the Thornspeakers integrated into Kul Tiran society and their descendents hear the call of the wilds.

Like literally, in-game.

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Yes they did:

Scroll down to the bit that says “Battle for Azeroth interview with Developers”.

  • Thin humans are a different body type for the Kul Tiran humans. They are not a different race. The team wanted bigger and smaller models to fit the various NPC roles and add more flavor to the world.

Laughs in Blood Elf.

… Humans being mixed Vrykul from a few Drust mixing into the group 2000 years ago doesn’t make them not human lol

And what you’re quoting is talking about Thin Kul Tirans vs Thicc Kul Tirans anyways, zero context of Vrykul lmao

Ulfar literally confirms his thornspeakers mixed with Kul Tirans.

This is in-game.

It is canon.

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That doesn’t invalidate Ulfar’s words. As others have said. Vrykul are just giant humans who are taller and less corrupted than normal humans. If a Drust Vrykul mated with a Human you’d get a human who’s larger than normal, but smaller than Vrykul. Guess who’s intermediate model fits that description?

And here’s the full quote:

So, Thin Man and Fat Man are what we call them internally. And no, they’re not intended to be a different race, [they’re] just variants on Kul Tirans. So, generally, when we’re spawning up Kul Tiras on the design side, we looked at using them as kind of our… maybe it’s a little bit like, ‘The big guy’s the bouncer!’ Or, ‘The big guy’s the ruffian who’s got a little guy up by the neck! And then the little guy’s more the scoundrel and they’re always holding daggers or leanin’ up against something,’ and, I don’t know, it just gives us a little more flavor and texture to the world.

The KT humans were explicitly designed to be able to fill a variety of roles. That’s why “thin man” and “fat man” models exist. There is nothing beyond that reasoning.

You’re both misremembering his words.

What Ulfar actually said was:

We Thornspeakers joined Kul Tiran society. Some of their descendants heard the call of the wilds and wished to learn the ancient ways, and so we have taught them.

“Joining” a society does not necessarily denote crossbreeding with that society.

Are you blind?

some of their descendants

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“Their descendants” is referring to the KT humans, not Ulfar’s.

so you are blind got it

Their is referring to Thornspeakers, not “Kul Tiran Society”, because they is not the correct pronoun for “Society”.

Syntax, grammar, learn it

“Their” as in the humans that settled on Kul Tiras. Ulfar himself is a thornspeaker. It makes no sense for “their” to refer to his own group in that context.

If “their” was referring to the thornspeakers, the quote would be “…some of my descendants…” Or something to that extent.

Ulfar saying “their” is him making a distinction between himself (a drust) and the KT humans (not drust) who he taught the ways of the thornspeakers.

It does because he’s the last Drust Thornspeaker lmao

All his friends are dead dude, their descendants living on within Kul Tiran sociiety.

Literally wrong, “my” is possessive (obviously), and he does not claim (so far) to have had children.

Nope, he is referring to the Thornspeakers who joined Kul Tirans society whose descendants are his students.

Learn 2 syntax and pronouns

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What is it with some people, that instead of admitting they’re wrong, they double down and continue to make a fool of themselves?

If the syntax and pronouns is your problem, then take it up with whoever wrote that dialogue but the Blizz dev literally states that the different KT models exist solely to fill a variety of rolls in the human society.

Now we can keep debating on the interpretations of Ulfar’s words but if you’re going to continue being rude, don’t bother replying.

Bruh the devs weren’t talking about vrykul lmao

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I didn’t say they were. The KT models has less to do with lore and more to do with just adding more flavor for humans.

The only link they have to the Alliance is the utter desire to exterminate the Kul Tirans. The Thornspeakers are a small splinter group at most, not speakers for the race as a whole. If Sylvannas hadn’t been so Flanderised, she could have been an entry for them as a Horde race.