The Dragonflight 10.0.5 Content Update Is Now Live!

and you’ll say anything in defense of Blizzard…


Tell me you don’t know Briselody without telling me you don’t know Briselody…


Why wasn’t the catalyst released on week 2 or right after week 2?

How about you polish the game and make it enjoyable.

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white and grey transmog?


Some of those white and gray items looked really nice. It was a shame we couldn’t transmog them. I’m glad we can now.

Don’t forget, if you have an auto-sell-junk addon to turn it off!

White and gray quality items. We will be able to transmog them finally.

Well,looks like I’ll have to finish that quest since primal storms are not mapped ,this one will be statuary long enough to be done.

So where’s the content?


Did the release of the inspiration catalyst give it away?

I hope not. The invasions are so unfun in this expansion. They did them right in Legion, and BFA. And enough with all the currencies Blizz geez.


Now that we are talking about style , I’ll suggest Blizz to add more hairstyles to races and…

Bring back the old animation spells as Glyphs for our old classes, cough Retribution Paladin

In this case if they ever do that just look how many players will return back to their pallies this year even the old/veteran players

Think about it Blizz !!

As I main a BM Hunter can’t rez players …if I do it on my Boomkin Druid this will count for my bnet account activity right?

Apparently the 3% nerf didn’t ruin us already.

Still no fixes for the horrible Solo Shuffle que times.

no double tap no problem, hunters will still own the podium

FWIW: Im kinda loving the Elemental Storm events. It’s great to go in as a tank and just kinda wale on stuff, knowing that within 5 to 10 seconds I’ll have a crowd of DPS backing me up. No muss, no fuss, no waiting on a queue full of fussy minmaxers who will “helpfully critique” every GD thing I might do.
Well done Blizz, I appreciate it.

So, you’re a bucket of fun.
be patient, I’m sure we’ll be at each others throats again by next expansion, after all, we can’t have actual change or world development in WoW now CAN we? I mean goodness, that would just be CRAZY…
(Hey Blizz, I am kidding. DF is awesome, I love that we’re finally acknowledging that The World Has Changed And Things Are Different Now, plus, as someone with a slower computer and a severe allergy to cranky elitist twitch gamers, I LOVE all the open world content in DF.)

Absolutely. Phoned it in. Or thought ‘‘hmm, classic wow was a hit so lets give people some basic thing to do’’. Even the pre patch event had some structure to it at least lol. These storms are a snore. We already have other mindless hack and slash grinds, was hoping for something more ‘inspired’ or as you said, legionesque or something… could of done more with it.

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The forums have always been thus. For some reason ALL the bad apples come here to shout as loudly as possible. And the sad part is, it usually results in expansions like BFA, Warlords, and Cataclysm.
Not to say they were BAD, they all had their high points (except maybe for Warlords, oof…), but in total they hewed to the formula so much that in the end they just felt like “fighting for fightings sake”, and didn’t have anything to say, or even make much sense.

I don’t care about the trading post. I care about class and dungeon tuning. This just amounts to another missed opportunity to fix what is broken in your game. Not excited.


wtb regular flying!