The Dragon Isles Await quest is not starting

Usually the quest starts when i enter Orgrimmar. Since the patch my my level 61 priest doesnt get the prompt at all to accept the quest so I cant start the story line in Dragon Isles. My quest log is clear, all it says is to continue the campaign by accepting the quest in Orgrimmar in my quest pane. However it doesnt generate upon entering Org. It worked a few days ago on my other character. Any help would be apopreciated

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I believe Dragonflight is part of “Chromie time” now, so I don’t know if it will operate in the same way now.

Have you visited Chromie and selected that timeline?


Thanks for reaching out. Im at Chromie now and she gives me the options all the way up to shadowlands. I dont see an option for Dragonflight.

With pre-patch, Dragonflight became the new default levelling experience, at least based on the patch notes. Because of that it’s not actually selectable from Chromie.

Have you tried asking Chromie to return you to the current time line, Deified?

If that doesn’t work, maybe try selecting a random timeline then leaving it.


Thanks tried that an no luck.

Have you tried going to Ebyssian and seeing if he has anything available to you?


For me, I went to Chromie, and I selected Dragonflight time line, and woalla, I got the quest to meet Ebyssian.

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I am having the same problem. Chromie gives me nothing to choose from and I cant find Ebyssian in Durotar or Orgrimmar. I have just hit level 61.

OK I just went to the dragon isles and there were quests there. So I don’t guess you need the Dragon Isles Await.

You are correct… I saw it the other day when I was trying out the changes in the patch and was running some old easy dungeons on my lvl 20s. Haven’t clicked Dragonflight yet, but what a great change to allow F2P folks to experience some of that content. (Hopefully the rest of my party won’t get too upset that I have no idea where to go when I tank those dungeons).

This happened to me in a level 51 alt. No quest popped, so I flew up top and talked to Ebyssian directly. He offered me the starting quests, but they were flagged as low level. So if you don’t have low level quests turned on, you probably won’t see them.