The Draenei Heritage Quest would be the best time to welcome our Red kin back

It could be about us forgiving, redeeming and bringing back a small group that broke off from the Legion. Maybe bring up a few WoD refugees that left AU Draenor with us.

That way we get AU Red Eredar and our Red Eredar. Both of which have differences in looks for customization

They could tie the customization unlocks to our Heritage quests since apparently we aren’t getting it with the Warlock update.


Red skin for Draenei and red skin/green tattoos for LFD would be amazing.

However, I have a feeling Blizzard will be taking the lazy route and just flip the switch from off to on so we’ll just have a bright white Draenei with Light-forged tattoos flinging fel around.

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Oh my. I forgot my Broken kin… I’m sorry.

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We need to remember, that not all eredar are red. Some purple, some blue.


I think all of them either went Red/Black, died, left with Velen, or become Lightforged which made them yellow.

I’m all for various neon glow options! Black-light glow maybe?

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Personally, I want Man’ari Eredar or The Sargerai as an allied race. I would be fine with the skin colors just getting added too. But with the only requirement for Allied races now being level 40, they can add whatever they want now.


If I remember we have these ones:

  • Corrupted red skin color
  • Corrupted orange skin color
  • Corrupted purple skin color
  • Green eyes color

I hope we will have theses armors for the Draenei heritage armor. They are perfect for them.


If we are going to make the lore even worse, why not just fish some other assets out of the Alternative Universe…

I, too, want them as Allied. Maybe even to share the love with the Horde.

Though knowing Blizzard, that may be off the table. So, if that’s the case then I would like the Red Eredar to rejoin us to justify unlocking their customization options.

Sporemound expansion when

I really want the draenei heritage to be about embracing the Krokul and attempting to integrate the Lightforged into a peace-time society.

I’d rather it not be hijacked by Blizzard’s sudden whim to allow draenei warlocks.


We could include both.

Our story could be about forgiveness and repentence.

So, we bring in the Broken, Sargeri, and Man’ari back into the fold.

Then give us cool heritage armors representing all of them and ourselves. So, 4 sets of different armors.

We deserve that much, at least.

I suppose, except the warlock introduction quest as it exists on the PTR has nothing at all to do with the Man’ari and everything to do with individuals deciding of their own accord to become warlocks.

I don’t hate the addition of warlocks. The draenei have been depicted as far too homogeneous for far too long. With the defeat of The Legion, it makes sense for dubious individuals to break off and explore their darker inclinations. Especially now being free to move about Azeroth out of the watchful eye of The Hand of Argus, The Prophet and their peers.

There’s no real reason to invoke the man’ari and the story heretofore has not.

I disagree. The quest did a poor job opening up the class to us. At least redeemed Red Eredar could have been a more lore friendly way to introduce us to it. Not just a random nobody who dies in the quest chain after their flimsy reason to betray the teachings of their race

This is my favorite Heritage armor. It’s this or Nelfs but I think I might like this more.

I’m not arguing that the quest did a good job or not. I don’t know, I only have second hand experience with it. It honestly seems quiet silly, from what I’ve heard but I’ll reserve judgement on that for now.

I’m simply stating the fact that the lore has not drawn the man’ari back into Draenei society in any capacity. That is evidently not the direction they’re taking this particular addition to the lore.

Man’ari are literal demons. You do realize this yeah? Man’ari wouldn’t rejoin the draenei who they see as sub-human or the Eredar equivalent of that word. Them joining the draenei would make as much sense as doomguards and pitlords suddenly wanting to join us. Man’ari are likely busy vying for control of the Legion with Sargeras’ defeat and could care less about draenei at this point.

Would rather recruit the Sargerei from AU Draenor than the actual demons from the Legion.