The Dracthyr Spread their Wings to New Classes

We’re lizard experiments, not humans or Belfs. Just like Worgen are Worgen, not humans.

It should work the same as Worgen and the same as it does now.

I will die on that hill.

Not that it matters to Blizz now, but I will still hate it and be bitter about it.


Regarding the change to Ascendance, this could be a good opportunity to re-add the “Glyph of Ascendance” removed in Legion which gave the spell a visual effect similar to the balance druid’s Glyph of Stars:

“Your Ascendance form now appears as an elementally enhanced version of your normal humanoid form.”

Personally I like these new forms better than the old ones, but the glyph would be nice to have and a great option for those who don’t like the new forms.
*Edit: just noticed the footnote about “additional adjustments”, fingers crossed!


I’m of the opinion that we should be able to pick base races for our visage, and be able to use visage in combat. The Dracthyr animations are a little goofy, and the transmog situation is terrible. It doesn’t help that Chosen Identity is at best inconsistent, and at worst you have to manually switch back to visage form after you use one ability in the open world, or it just bugs out and doesn’t work at all.


Yes you can? You just roll onto the base of your wings where they connect to your back. Basically the flapping animation. There’s ways to do tail also. This is also ignoring the fact that a LOT of people (myself included) would exclusively be in visage form AND the fact that EVERY single other race can be monk (including Worgen who are a similar situation)


My cat has a tail and summersaults all the time btw


I suppose you can die on that hill but yeah, Blizz doesn’t agree with that. They can change it up as they see fit. I don’t mind more choices for characters. Makes sense for evokers to have to stay in dracthyr form since they are using dragon’s breath, hovering and such. A hunter is just shooting arrows and sending pets after their enemy for example.


So much hype, can’t contain it.


This glyph and a glyph for the current forms would both be great options.

I never said they couldn’t. But I’m still going to voice my displeasure and now all we’re going to see is Worgen whining they can’t be in Human form.

Also: no self-respecting 10ft tall scale covered lizard experiment is going to decide to rush into combat as a 5ft tall “soft skin” (as the Dracthyr call them). That’s why story-wise, it makes no sense to me.

But that’s my opinion and I’ll grumble.


PLEASE let shamans choose which ascendance form they want to use with a glyph.

Don’t lock in enhance to wind form if the players prefer the fire aspect of enhance’s gameplay via lava lash and flame shock

Any improvements on Dracthyr appearances?


Can we please allow Evokers to stay in visage form too?

Losing my transmog every time I go into combat makes me sad.


Very disappointed that they can’t be paladins, although it was expected.


Those shaman forms look wild.

hah! better that than whatever the hell visage is supposed to be

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I do have to wonder if Dracthyr will ever get full transmog support?

Seems like they’re missing out on a pretty significant portion of the game, especially when they can’t even wear their own (Evoker) tier sets…


I’m afraid they might burn the light and turn the world into darkness :joy: :joy: :joy:

Allowing these classes to have access to wing buffet, tail swipe, glide/double jump is an EXTREMELY BAD idea and will pigeon hole people into rolling dragon mandatorily in PvP and even Mythic +. Make these racials specific to the Evoker class only or at least disable them in PvP. This change is game-breaking and will cause so many people to quit over it.
People having to roll certain races exclusively for their racials in rated content has been an issue for a long time and this is taking it to another level because of how incredibly broken it will be to access these abilities on these classes. This is the reason why Blood Elf had to have it’s silence removed.
Having an extended cooldown for non-evokers is not cutting it and will not make a difference. Please revert this choice you made and make these evoker specific only.


Can Dracthyr get more transmog options on their true forms please?


Not only that but kinda annoyed my Evoker racials are getting nerfed because other classes would be too strong if they had access to them.

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Dragons, being titan-aligned, are practically mortal enemies of the elements/elementals.

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