The Drac'thyr are Queer-Coding Done Right!

I don’t understand why this thread is still here.


Because it’s a good thread despite the legion of trolls and their alts throwing a fit over it all?

It’s flamebait, pure and simple.


How is it flamebait?

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Done dealing with disingenous people who are trying to suck people into your flame war with injection of politics into game discussion. Have a nice life. Maybe play the game instead of trying to go full 4chan on us.

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How is proposing a theory of a playable race being queer-coded “injecting politics”? Why are queer people ‘political’ to you?

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Homosexuality and gender-non-conformity predates organized religion. I am a biologist, I am literally qualified to speak on this.



I went there once… never again

The things I saw were truly horrific

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You might be or might not. This is the internet and wow forums. I seen many claims, but pardon me if I don’t take your credentials at face value. This thread is a straight up flame war fight.


Now you’re a biologist today?

Sure bud. So odd you never brought that up yesterday…


I’ve always been a biologist lol.

I press X to doubt, since half the stuff in this thread you said yesterday was completely opposite.

So did you get your degree overnight? Or start googling and posting lines? I am 100% on number 2.

This is the thing. There are so many low post count people that appear in all these threads, who all claim to be experts, don’t worry I don’t believe them either.


So I’m not a biologist because what? Trans people exist and are the gender/sex they identify as? I’m not a biologist because I said people can interpret something as being queer coded?

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It goes without saying that the concept of homosexuality is not a new age idea, therefore if sexuality is a primal urge we cannot control, then certainly our ancestors who predate religion likely had similar urges.

Religion’s history dates as far back as writing exists, and our world’s history is extensive even before that point.

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You said “religion”. You’re tacking on a qualifier after the fact.

Also, appealing to your own authority.


Precisely. In the same way that Orc males are flagrantly “coded” male or Blood Elf females are flagrantly “coded” female. It just doesn’t warrant being pointed out because that is taken for granted - it’s not controversial, because these are assumptions that people are comfortable with. But you would definitely hear about it if these “codings” were missing from the game.

Queer-coding doesn’t specifically apply to as many people, although I would be interested to see if MMO communities skew in favour of the queer population relative to the proportion in the general populace. I do know people that simply select the gender they identify with, regardless of what they were assigned at birth, as a simplified way of expressing their identity… but gender identity and stages of transition aren’t always so simple and binary.

Again, enter the Drac’thyr. Are they a one-size-fits-all race for the queer community? Of course not. But I firmly believe that they were designed to allow some of that community to better express their identity in-game.


Well yeah, because I’m knowledgeable about homosexuality and gender non-conformity. You can google this for yourself, homosexuality and other behavior exists in a wide range of animals and it’s emerged independently. I can assure you cavemen loved each other before someone figured out “the spirits be watching”. I can assure you cavemen went against the mold and were gender non-conforming before men decided to dress in robes and declare themselves holy.

People have no idea just how brief the past four thousand years are in terms of human history.

All of that shouldn’t matter though because you’re a sapient being and you should love whoever you want.

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I believe they were designed to be dragons. Nothing more. This seems like projection of personal views.


And that statement of yours is a projection of your personal beliefs :wink:

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No you are not one because it only conveniently got told today. Also again all your entire post history spans 2 days in only these style of post, oh and Elon where you posted falsehoods and couldn’t own up.

It’s so weird to me that those are your only topics, even better I love that a “biologist” was pushing inaccurate data. I thought that got you shunned! And I am talking about Elon.

I am not taking your bait, just calling a spade a spade.