The DPS meter is not everything

i read lots of threads and many focus about DPS throughput potential, rotations, and more. There is a heavy focus on doing best DPS. I won’t tell you it’s not of some importance, but given the amount of complaints about people pulling for tank, not watching threat, and more, let’s talk about the meter, the group, and you.

DPS meter - A measuring stick to see if you’re on par with the average dungeoneer or raider of your class and spec. It’s not there to top under any and all circumstances. Unless you’re in Method or some major raiding guild where your parses are constantly under criticism, relax and realize it’s merely a tool to grow by.

The Group - Ever have that group where everyone knows what they should be doing and as a result it goes smoothly and no one wipes? Ever notice how good that feels? That’s because players who cooperate and work well together will perform better in groups that merely focus on topping meters. Those groups tend to suffer from non-tank pulls, wipes, and other problems because they are not focusing on the health and viability of the group. These often end in the blame game and the participants come to the forum and complain about their experience in the group.

You. Before you get into a group, realize your class and spec and what your potential is likely to be. If you are more utility and you know it, recognize that and play to your strengths. If you play to support your team instead of edging out max dps potential for your class and spec, you’ll contribute more to the success of your dungeon run. If you’re in a group that’s abusing your healer and it’s clear no one cares, use whatever you can in your toolkit to help your healer. The others may not care and may criticize your lack of focus on DPS, but your healer will appreciate it.

Most importantly, if you’ve grouped with people and it went well, keep them on a short-list of people you’d group with again, and the opposite kind of list for those you’d rather never group with again. Be proactive in creating the group experience you want.


I had to pull out my felhunter the other night to spell-lock healing mobs cause the mage would never use counter-spell on them. Was getting annoying having to kill them twice, lol.


It’s true that coordinating with your group is always the best course of action, but the dps meter is certainly the measuring stick for how well you’ve all coordinated. The DPS should be following their priorities to the group and still strive to do as much dps as possible; likewise, the tank should strive to fulfill their priorities while trying to generate as much tps as possible.

The idea of doing more dps shouldn’t ever be abandoned just because there are more important aspects to group play. It should be incorporated into those more important aspects.

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Best ZF run I tanked over the weekend had a rogue plus 2 mages as dps. I asked the rogue to clear totems. I asked the mages to only aoe when I called for it and I also got everyone to follow a kill order.

None of them were doing their maximum capable dps. But we ran 3 clears in the time it would usually take 2 because everyone worked cleanly together.


How else will I be able to show my other group members that I have the largest epeen in the group?


It’s 2019, just send them pics.


Yeah but I cant link a picture of my peen after every pull


Nothing matters in classic.
You are not gonna wipe on a boss because you brought a ret paladin.

The raids are tuned so low half the raid can afk you will still win.

The challenge in the game is to find the time to level.


No, not everything. There are also the healing and threat meters.

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I only have the threat-meter visible in combat. Only one I need to see to know if I’m about to have bad news if I crit again.

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You ever see those people that run races? Can you imagine??? Why run when you can get to where you are going by walking??? AND THE GALL TO TIME IT AND HAVE A WINNER??? WOOOOOOOOOOW


The DPS meter is almost nothing.

But it’s a metric we can optimize.

I can not tell you the rotation or gear that will stop you from standing in the fire, remember to dispel/counter, position yourself appropriately, etc. I can tell you the rotation/gear that will optimize your dps.

So that’s what we discuss while the far more important elements of the game aren’t mentioned.

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Well, I have mixed feelings here. As a tank, I don’t have a problem with high dps pulling aggro off of me. If they do, it doesn’t hurt my ego and I can get aggro back quickly if I feel like it is important to. What can be an issue is if the dps is too low. To be frank, the faster you kill stuff the less time there is for something to go wrong. I would rather have high dps pulling aggro off of me every so often than low dps making it difficult to clear groups, and handle unexpected adds, with hp and mana to spare.

When I run 5 man dungeons, healing meters is all that matters. After each run, I post my healing prowess to the 3 dps and tank, so they know who did the most healing.


No, it’s really not.


No, but if you’re being out-DPSed by the tank and/or heals that’s a problem because barely any, if any, fights in classic require that much coordination that a DPS has to drop out almost entirely to focus on a mechanic.

So the DPS meter can certainly be used as a measuring stick of sorts.

The DPS meter can be used as a measuring stick of… DPS. It demonstrates nothing about coordination or responsibilities. Quite the contrary, as you can do more DPS if you disregard responsibilities like interrupting, controlling aggro, positioning, etc. and just hoping that the rest of your group can pick up the slack.


The DPS meter is not everything

I disagree. At some point, the only purpose of PvE is to see how much further you can make those numbers go. Personally, PvP is the real end-game for me, and if I’m stuck in PvE content, then seeing that little meter move just a little higher is the goal.

This was the case back in the day.

There was an add-on that allowed users to play poker or other card games. The Warlicks (what the drunken warlock lead named the warlock chat channel) had an ongoing game during MC farm for a while until someone accidentally let on during Vent and got the group into trouble.

Sad news is that the hunter’s pet is only 10HPS behind you…?