The diversity of ele

You running with ground and counter strike totem? That’s giving up a lot.

I’d still put my money on the mage, and you know deep down you would too

Yes staying alive is paramount for me as Ele does not have many inherent defenses . So I pick defensive talents .

1-1 no mage spec is too bad . Fire Mage are an issue in BG’s where they free cast from the edges , 1-1 not so much for classes which can purge.

Edit:- I noticed that you are using a level 3 Twilight corruption . Isn’t that only good for melee ?

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I find that frequently the best raid build is absolutely terrible in PvP, and vice versa. That said, I am absolutely terrible at caster PvP. :expressionless:

Ele’s actually do well in a matchup into mages and infact locks too.

i mean somebody with 0 pvp experience is trying to advocate a contradiction to ele. its ludacris.

Agreed on the rogue thing, they really have an edge. Mages though, not at all.

Step by Step: > Start combat by purging Arcane Intel > 99% of mages don’t realize they don’t have it > they press combust, you press purge > profit

Sure they can poly and run away but if that’s a win for your record then idk…

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Biggest issue I have with Ele in PvP is simply getting the space I need to open up a burst window.
At least in my experience, there’s so rarely a moment where I get to initiate an opener sequence, that it’s always about surviving and counter-play. And I’ll be frank, the number of options available for counterplay feel like they’ve been halved with every expansion either through cuts in our toolkit or unilateral improvements of other class’ toolkits.

Grounding totem and Gust of Wind are on the top of my list for examples where they were moved to the PvP talent shelf of “Select 3 of what you used to have”.
And then rogue obviously is a great example of Grapple Hook “I heard you liked this stuff so it’s base now” and Cloak of Shadows “Immune because rogue magic?”


i would advise people to play ele over enhance any day ele is in a good spot.

it needs some pvp love tho.

So I was just simming away trying to see if I couldnt optimize my EotE/MotE/IF/SK build anymore to squeak out some more dps as I like it as a more rounded really good for everything build. And as part I was running talent sims last just to “complete” the sim process and I came across some pretty interesting findings. Even with gear/azerite/enchants/gems/essences set up to maximize the build I mentioned it was actually in the bottom. Sims just keep the mind boggled.

60.4k dps EleBl/SE/SoP/SK

62k dps EleBl/SE/SoP/UP

61k dps EleBl/SE/PE/SK

61k dps EotE/MotE/IF/Asc

60.7k dps EotE/MotE/IF/SK

In terms of playing around with specs and talents, my best training dummy session so far has been a silly build of ER/SE/SoP/A with Vision
The cadence of silliness is to prioritizing Storm Elemental sessions over Ascendance sessions.
But I don’t think I’d ever run that in something live and it’s certainly not PvP viable.

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I agree that build is strong “IF” RNGesus loves you. If you can get the procs flowing and maximize uptime on both Asc and SE its like you are constantly in burst mode. Unfortunately like Infinite star procs I am more unlucky than lucky.

They are all very similar for me on the Test dummy except the build you mentioned when the stars align but it isnt easily duplicated.

Of note Infinite stars has an extremely poor proc rate on the Raiders dummy but significantly higher proc rate on the dungeon dummy that hits you back. Even in raids it is 10% of my dmg one run and 3% on the next and 6 % the next all on the same boss.

What made me so intrigued is the talents/combinations that are coming back as viable. I am currently running EleBl/TM/SE/SoP/UP with CLF+CoF/C&S/BotD. It is a crap ton to juggle but interesting to say the least.
Disclaimer: I am not claiming the build above is superior/viable/should be replicated. I am just tinkering and having fun.

From observation with my friend, it seems like the mindflay corruption is the most consistent and powerful of the damage procs for casters.
My elemental guildie runs it and it’s consistently 6k added without having to worry about range, facing or lack of procs.

I posit though that the haste % from sources is probably the most broken of corruption effects for most classes, including elemental. It obviously would influence Elemental Blast, Totem Mastery, Storm Elemental, and Unlimited Power

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Wanted to tinker and have some fun as well


65.8k ER/SE/SOP/UP

66.8k ER/SE/PE/SK

65.4k Echo/MoTE/PE/Ascendance

67.7k EleB/SE/PE/UP

Ok. So I am legit intrigued by that last one.

I change between IP x3 + Condensed Life Force and VOP + Echo of the Elementals x2 for my azerite gear/major essence set up on these.

Edit: Did one more. Since I saw I could do a EleBlast/SE/PE line up with x2 echo of the elementals and x3 NH

68.3k EleB/SE/PE/UP

Between EleB, x3NH, Heart of Darkness. So many extra secondary stats.

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I ran a high mastery build before quitting after 8.1. SoP is more for burst and when you are running a high mastery build youre not trying to burst, you are more sustained. I would suggest IF or PE with UP for high mastery. Haste would also be essential to increase LS procs, and of course use Echo. Stack AR x3, NH x2, and IP. No idea what essences to run, i switched builds before they were put in.

I enjoyed it, but I PvP mostly so I prefer a burstier build stacking crit (yes i know its nerfed in PvP), LvSx3, SoP, SK.


I have an R3 and R1 of this equipped and it can swing between being my #7 ability and #1 ability. It just makes me hate corruption even more than I already do, since it’s just complete RNG damage that happens (or doesn’t) outside the scope of what I can control.


So I ran my first full raid with this setup and I am very pleasantly pleased.

Did my first night of EleBL/TM/SE/PE/UP tonight as we made our first push into mythic. I enjoyed it. Its interesting when things line up and I shoot to 105% haste without Lust.


I run a Vision of Perfection Primal Storm Elemental build with UP, it does pretty well, depending on VoP proc luck or inconvenient movement during storm elemental. Definitely a nice alternative to the 3x IP build if your best azerite doesn’t have the trait.

It’s nice to see more viable specs and azerite setups this tier.