I’d point to my head, because some nelf posters make my brain hurt.
Specifically, he said that the Horde didn’t win, the Alliance didn’t win, Sylvanas loyalists lost, and Sylvanas might have won.
It was a fair reaction. Yes, Anduin had a reputation as a pacifist among the Horde leaders, but many likely thought that the other leaders wouldn’t just throw their full support behind an 18 year old’s decisions. They probably feared the likes of Genn Greymane and Tyrande overwhelming the teenager during wartime. It was a reasonable assumption in a vacuum.
Nah, probably feel more silly for thinking Blizzard understood what morally gray was.
Actual morally gray: dastardly/evil/bad things for moral/good reasons or for mistaken reasons. Example-burning Teldrassil to stop corruption, even if they were only lead to believe it was corrupted.
Blizzard “morally gray”: we’ll make one side the villains, but then have members speak out against the action while making the other side do bad things as well.
I already acknowledged that Shandris fought outside of the Sentinels with the Unseen Path and Farstriders in Quel’thalas during the Troll wars. See my quote:
which you ignored. I know she participated in wars outside of the Sentinels, I listed one for crying out loud. But the majority of the wars? Nope. Not a chance. The majority of the many many wars she experienced was with the Sentinels.
She was after all a commander of a Sentinel faction. And she can’t become that without years of service and proving herself a skilled tactician to the Sentinels. And if she was away for most of the wars helping people who would never come in contact with the Sentinels how did she get her rank?
And I said
because the Unseen path until legion was mostly quiet. I have no doubts the Unseen Path (meaning Shandris outside of the Sentinels) did stuff but it seemed more like finding skilled hunters (see the “Cowled Ranger” on WoWpedia) and helping hunters get better gear for the fight against C’thun then participating in more wars. They also helped the Highmountain Tauren throughout the years.
They probably felt even sillier then after teaming up with Genn in Nazjatar and watching Lor’themar and Genn try to out compliment each other.