The DH egos are off the charts right now

forgot about UHDK. true. THey’re pumping


so most specs are busted… but yours… ROFL

Nah. Even the high damage specs aren’t hitting people for 400K+ damage in a single hit.

You would know that if you played.

I’m no glad (duelest andy here), but MM isnt as insane as ppl seem to claim. High dmg no doubt, but they’re everyone’s favorite kill target and aspect of the turd-le is all they got.

i have played enough, there has always been specs that can “potentially” one shot

Right. :wink:

you do know MM is the op hunter of the moment right?

…love it when the only counter argument is a stat shame… without even looking at the stats LMAO

I mean, you seem a bit better than me though all your achievements are from… 2014
and duelist is your highest rank… that you got it in, wait for it, 2014 as well. Too funny.

Personally i was like 20 points away from duelist when i last quit arena in 2020.

So i dont know what youre talking about, youve never reached gladiator in ALLLLLLL these years. So you are pretty much as trash as me according to your own little rank. So yeah, keep crying without showing your replays. Super worthwhile.

No worries, FDK will rise again. Maybe im coping, but i do honestly think we’ll get a ret level rework in 11.0.

BM is doing a lot better than MM atm. I don’t see MM being a real issue until we see how their 4 set works out.

You can only get achievements once. I got 2400 back in mop the first time.

Yep, like most players, I haven’t gotten it.

Thanks man. I’ll keep that in mind when I tell players they are crying while not having played any games… like you.

so youre trash like most players, and thats why you cry so much about DH OP OMG OP PLEASE NERFFF, gotcha

Sure, I’m trash. I’m sorry I played the game and saw something busted and made a post about it. I’ll be sure to have my posts reviewed by 1700 players who don’t even play the game next time.

its ok bro, you’ll get good eventually.

Or maybe not.

and fire mage, destro lock, BM, Ret. My last lobby was Ret, Destro, MM. Ret top damage, Destro number 2 by a large amount.

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Never ceases to confuse me why people defend overpowered specs. Based on the available stats and the chatter, and comparing it to previous instances where specs have been broken, DH is very likely in need of some meaty nerfs.

Is people’s ability to self-assess and sense of the game really that bad? Do they actually think if they defend something that is overpowered that they will trick the devs into inaction? What’s the end-game here? Just accept that the spec is busted, and you are being Elo boosted by playing it, and that you will crash and burn after it rightfully gets nerfed, and move on with your life.

There will always be an OP spec, with so many multi classing now, it doesn’t matter which one it is, people will play it. I hope whatever people play they have fun doing it.

Nerf this dumb class.

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Probably from the azure span wpvp daily where you can stack crazy modifiers. Havoc is not hitting these numbers in arena lol

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Im cool with DH doing big dam just not giga dam that they can also do their full rotation through lmao. Make fel barrage kickable cast like it used to be or tone the damage down and make it just like eyebeam where you just cast in place. Feels like thats a good start, also 380k Death sweep ticks just gotta go lmao


After thoroughly reading this entire thread I have come to the conclusion that every single class is “busted” , “broken”, “disgusting” or “op”

So I guess we have to nerf every class.

Wait….how does this work?

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