The devs can see your posts

While we are on the topic the GM team deserves a pizza party and a raise for all the hard work they do.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

As of recent? Hide pants option.

I’d also like if they looked at my posts about toggling skirts off robes, adding colorful skintones to visage, and letting undead stand upright.


steals a metaphorical slice and fel rushes away

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There’s a GM team?


They exist believe it or not.

The WoW GMs are really cool and help a lot. They are more invisible than Rogues but they are around.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Is there chaos pizza? Is the cheese molten green fire? Health stone pepperonis?

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Give Worgens optional tails and stop ignoring the race.

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They walk among us. I know of one who regularly helps fill our pugs (on their account. GMs haven’t physically showed up in game as a rule in some time). :dracthyr_nod:

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I am sure they have my posts on ignore. Not that they are important anyway.

I would like to see worgen customization options vastly expanded (including a tail) and for dracthyr visage to be able to choose whatever race your faction can be - even if you only have access to what customization options are available to said race at whatever given time. It is a magic disguise, no need to be so limiting


sets out trays of chaos nachos

I like fun threads.


We need more cosmetic glyphs.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


hugs Sorelai and fel rushes away

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Devs can see this? Then I’ll say this…

Hi, devs! Hope y’all having a good Thanksgiving! Stay awesome! waves


I need someone to watch my back while I watch the watchers watch us.

Please …They can watch and get feedback but if they don’t act on it…what’s the point…

2 years for a reply on WoD tmogs missing…

CC post since February asking for QoL:

Like better timer for Worldbosses…Players asked for years for improvements, it took a bug to fix the drop rate.

They can get feedback but if it doesn’t align with their old philosophies, We won’t get any improvement, besides that Devs seems to focus more on M+,PVP,RAID…We need bad luck mechanics, world events, transmogs updates…etc


Basically, We don’t have new Glyphs…because the impact on PvP…When players use addon that call everything in the arena…Now We’ve covenant abilities that doesn’t match our classes…


Chaos pizza sounds awesome, maybe some spicy green salsa for a base then pepperoni and pickled jalapenos.

I missed that in BFA so I’m waiting too.

I need Haka back for my garrison xmas party.