The developers of PvP are completely incompetent

My ilvl in pvp instances is 222. You are aware the new season’s gear scales up in pvp, right?


its hard to say they are not incompetent when you consider that casual pvp is self motivating and self driving. as a casual i already buy a token about once a month anyway because it saves time over farming mats, and instead of grinding systems and reps, i queue for bg after bg while chatting and hanging out with friends. not only that, but we have real authentic drama and plot going on in the pvp side of things. everything pve does is an attempt to emulate what authentically happens in pvp. IMO the devs don’t understand this. they add pve progression systems or timegating on in an attempt to add a sense of progression when what we had was already fine they just didn’t know because they never bothered to look. in casual pvp land there is nearly an all out gang war going on between certain horde and alliance communities with communities allying to stand up to other communities, but the devs think we need more grinds and systems to keep us occupied and wanting to play. I want to play, but the grinds and systems are getting in the way, I want to throw money at blizzard but the grinds and systems are getting in the way.

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Not gonna lie I forgot about that.

It’s a bunch of PVE management making the decisions on the direction of PVP…I guarantee you it is.

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basically. Thats why a 20-30% vers player drops almost just as fast as someone with 10% vers. The pvp combo trinket really needs to boost vers defense. There is no sense as to it not doing that.


It will be interesting to see if people start stacking more versa even with DR in place. More likely it is not worth it. But higher level gear will have more stamina which makes 30% versa more effective than having 30% versa but with lower stamina.

But yes it was said in systemlands beta of last summer that the trinket bonus needed to effect the defensive portion as well.

But Brolinka wants a fast meta but I think he has miscalculated that for all other activities outside of 3v3 arena IMVHO.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Lol Jajajaja

My alt is wearing from out there all of them have verse

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That’s the OPs point, some of us made alts for pvp and it’s better to just gear via PVE.

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Well the drops I have didn’t give me vers. plus the PvP gear gives bonus when in bgs or arenas, so it is moot.

it’s just like the nastyjar gear, the crap is just random. Not defending honor being crap. Just saying it does have the chance for vers

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we should make a youtube video showcasing our own novel idea of how pvp should be developed using their video game engine and assets that would tell blizzard whos in charge
not me though i hate responsibility

Korthia gear is a nice way to SUPPLEMENT pvp honor gear, but it is very hard to get all vers pieces. Even if you did, your overall vers would be too low in comparison.

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What is your problem with rated play? At the lower levels, there isn’t even that much of a difference.

IMO, the only thing holding most people out of rated play is a very inefficient and under-designed LFG tool that makes forming groups a pain, and hence causes a lack of people willing to do the work to form groups.

Bingo. In the time it takes me to get a Rated group together I could have played 2-3 random battlegrounds. I’ve said it before, but rated battlegrounds needs a solo queue option. Put em up against pre-mades, who cares. Lock it behind an ilvl requirement and let them go nuts. No one above 1200 rating is going to use it anyway, it’ll be mostly for the newcomers.

We need some kind of auto fill. I mean, it’s not like people are conducting job interviews in LFG. Most people only look at a few measurable things that the game already provides, just not through LFG.

For example let someone fill out their ideal group comp with specs for each. So say I want a disc priest with at least ___ ivl and ___ CR or ____ XP. If someone matching this criteria for my group applies, they’re in. Simple as that. If it’s taking too long I just loosen my criteria until the group fills.

As it stands, I can’t tell what PvP ilevel someone is at, what their CR is, and if they have multiple options for a role I can’t tell what spec they are. Furthermore, PuGers come and go in the middle of filling all the time. So you have this constantly shifting goal of what your group needs and it’s stressful trying to constantly think about what your comp now consists of whether you have too many/too few melee, the right healer balance etc… Because you know, the longer you take to fill, the more people leave, but if you don’t pick a good comp some people might leave because of that. It’s ridiculous and I’m grateful for everyone who willing to put up with the stress.

If you could set up your preconditions for autofill, all you have to do is wait until it fills. If you want a fast queue, just leave as many options open as possible.

Target the mobs that drop versatility. Kill them once a day. You can look up rings, neck, cloak, weapon as well. Fill in any slots you can’t get vers on with the honor gear while working towards conquest gear. All of the characters I care about have full versatility from korthia/maw and some honor/conquest gear. That was accomplished a couple of weeks ago.

220 korthia versatility gear > 216 in pvp honor gear until the renown cap lifts.

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People are crushing KSM already… Why don’t people do some m+? I’ve already got a couple untimed 14s under my undergeared belt. My 200 ilvl DK timed a 10 lol…

Honestly that’s probably how I’m gonna gear again. Don’t have to sweat and I can just BG later.

Korthia just feels like a slog to me.

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Running the same mythic dungeon for the 200th time isn’t a slog? :slight_smile:


The thing about the maw and korthia is that you have targetted loot that you can shoot for that has fixed stats. You have the RNG on the drop but if the item drops, you are done. Upgrading the stuff isn’t that bad, IMO. I was 220+ with full versatility in a week and a half or so on several characters.

Might not be worth it now as people are quickly outgearing that. But, it was a good catch up system (for the first couple of weeks).

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