"The developers disrespect the Alliance player races"

Good for you. You’re wrong. That is NOT the flying people are wanting, and you know it. You are just arguing to argue, and I’m frankly not dealing with it anymore. Learn to admit when you are wrong about something.

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well thats my dragonriding experience. admittedly, i’m not very good at it but i spend as much time waiting for the cooldown on energy as i do dragonriding.

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Gonna guess you never got all your glyphs, like everyone else that has that issue. Literally never have that issue with vigor. Get the glyphs. It gets a lot more enjoyable.

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i think i’m missing some, from somewhere. i just want tbc flying.

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Good news then. It’s available. Behind yet another pathfinder that no one wanted.


How did “disrespected players” become a buzzword for “did something I didn’t like”?


You got void elves. Which by default means it met everything you just asked for.

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nope. our city is not a city. its not even part of a city. its like a rock floating in space with no fp, no inn, etc. we dont have our own leveling zones. we share with whatever chromie time zone we go to. not only did we not get an exclusive class, we didnt get many of the classes blood elves and night elves get. since legion we’ve been functioning with less hairstyles, less classes, less of everything except skin color, and humans still have more skin and haircolors than us, even with our belfs + velf skin/hair colors.


You think Alliance population is low because Void Elves dont have a starting city with a leveling area.

Thats quaint.

The only thing that would have effected it is over the top racials, and that should never happen again.

Asking for that to happen is asking for the game to remain broken, just favor you. You dont want fair. You want an advantage.

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well its like 10 years too late. when they finally gave us velfs, it was locked behind a rep grind for several years. they werent silver covenant style helfs, but void corrupted belfs with messy greasy hair and dark circles under eyes, limited hairstyles, limited classes, limited colors. it was what we referred to as corrupt a wish

Yet from Blizzards point of view it was a resounding success.

Despite some vocal people wanting an exact copy of the Horde.

Void Elves have been like…the number 1 played Allied Race since inception. There is no way you will convince me it was a failure or a corruption in regards to how the playerbase embraced them.

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its not a failure as an allied race, but it is a failure as a ground shaking new race with the kind of impact blood elves had.

From wowpedia: Amirdrassil (meaning Crown of Harmony in Darnassian)[1] is a World Tree currently growing within the Emerald Dream. It is meant to become the night elves’ new home on the Dragon Isles.

This whole patch is about Night Elves - or am I wrong?


If you were expecting a “ground shaking new race” as an allied race, thats on you.

That being said…it was ground shaking for the Horde because the Horde had no pretty races.

For the Alliance, since they are all pretty races…it would have to be a monstrosity. Ugly. Which wouldnt be highly used.

High Elves would not have been ground shaking.


well in case you’ve forgotten, this is what i said (notice i dont specify high elves)

alliance would need something equivalent to the ground moving event that blood elves represented at the time, which was:

  1. graphically and anatomically beautiful humanoid race, with clear gender differences
  2. careful attention to proper sizing and gear fitting.
  3. with over the top racials
  4. a new popular class, prior not available to alliance but which both sides want to play that also benefits from over the top abilities meant exclusively for the class
  5. top notch animations, including popular dances. running and fighting animations are super important.
  6. their own city and levelling zones
  7. good heritage gear
  8. an expac mostly about them

and that pretty much covers how blood elves impacted the game. but we know devs dont actually care about the alliance as a faction. we’re just here to pay their salaries. hehe


i’m still bitter about mechagnomes— not that they exist, but that they took up an allied race slot when it could have easily been new unlocked customization akin to the ‘night warrior eyes.’ they could have kept the quests and lore for the gnome fans, and still given the rest of the playerbase a cool new race like the horde got with vulpera. (Like Sethrak! At the time, there was lore to make it work!)

It’s kind of gross Horde players have had to wait since the end of Legion to get an Alliance race and of all of them it’s Dwarves and I’ll admit it’s not the best of them but I’m glad for it since we will finally have an unaltered Alliance model on Horde side like they got years and years ago now with Void Elves.

Not even sure what people are complaining about anymore honestly since they got their wannabe Blood Elves with bad hair and almost all of our customizations shared.

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any race meant for the salvation of the alliance would by virtue of real life consequences, need to assuage and excite h-normative peeps. the creative and artsy side would have to follow the fabulously glamorous and beautiful model meme because anything different wouldnt fill the requirement


it’d have to be exciting for folks who appreciate classically beautiful and handsome models. we have 3 dynamics vying for character art - the unique, the classical, the grotesque. these are all managed at the grass roots by biological, theological and political incentives. we need just basic sex appeal, iow