"The developers disrespect the Alliance player races"

You quite literally don’t know the lore.

Humans were taught to be mages well before Paladins came into existence (Human mages and being taught by the High Elves happened in the Troll Wars back when the Arathi Empire was a thing, where as Paladin’s only came about in the Second War.)

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i didnt indicate time scale, only that we taught them and they taught us. what we taught them hurt us in the long run, cause the devs employed it to change the demographics

You are aware that Shamans also became available to the Alliance?

If we WANT to be serious about this Warlocks were a Horde only thing way before WoW and suddenly in WoW nearly every race including the supposed NOBLE Alliance can be them.

Who cares they were basically taunting horde players with Paladin when they made bosses like Sir Zeliek but didn’t let the Forsaken be Paladins.

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Horde is the best faction. Come at me.

not sure why not, other than the same reason void elves cant - biological difficulties, like kaboom or equivalent.

yes we got shaman and draenei are cool, but they were sorta like a last minute thing, similar to void elves, who were not even in legion zones, compared to nightborne, who were everywhere. at least draenei had their own city and leveling zones, compared to gnomes, worgen, trolls and goblins, and all allied races, who still have to share zones with core races

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you are correct. two houses, same neighborhood, owned by the same handy man, who rents them out for money. one is maintained and pampered, the other is only maintained when its vacant, so he can get a new renter in it. soon as its rented he goes back to ignoring it. eventually, wise renters of the neglected house, notice this and wait till the pampered house is up for rent, move out of the neglected house and move into the pampered house.

As it should be. Now stop talking before I throw you out of the village on your head like Brainie Smurf is!

how cute. i like smurfs. you, on the other hand…hehehe

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Are mad with lust for me. I know. Elves dig Trolls. It’s alright. :slight_smile:

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I happen to respect older ladies such as yourself. :heart:

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That is the case for Dracthyr. Look how well that’s been received. Look how much ‘love’ has been given to them. Gimped wannabe dragons.

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who have more customizations than all other races combined - literally, not an exaggeration. and they can fly now…like they dont need a mount. and the whole expac, circles around them

They don’t get to fly till 10.2.5

mustve been watching beta

JUST hopped on my dracthyr. Nope. Still gimped flying. Try again though :slight_smile:

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What I see there is still gimped flying with VERY limited range and a cooldown. That isn’t flying. That is gliding with style, and that style is trash. So again. You’re still wrong.

looks about the same to me.

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