"The developers disrespect the Alliance player races"

No they wouldn’t. Alliance players arent changing to Horde to play high elves

The only reason they might is because factions dont matter anymore.

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No one has High Elves, only cosmetic versions of them. Effectively Elf Cosplay.

Blood Elves are High Elves. Physically there are no differences.

So once again.

Your suggestion wont effect numbers outside of the context that faction no longer matters.

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Then there should be no problem with Blizzard doing it, then.

But your issue is that you want to fix numbers. So your issue remains.

Now you are just suggesting things you know wont have a positive effect on what your stated issue was. Which now makes it suspect.

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Not if I legitimately believe that providing the Alliance with a beneficial race that would cause Horde players to reroll Blue. And I do.

But the only reason it would cause them to reroll Blue is because factions no longer matter.

You think a million people are going to switch to ogres?

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Are there even a million players anymore? Actually I read in one of the Microsoft acquistion articles that there were almost two million, like 1.8 million or so.

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Sure. Lets say there are 2 million people. For numbers sakes. The ratio would be the same regardless.

Lets use your numbers. 64% horde. I dont believe those numbers are accurate. Its more like 55/45. But lets use yours. Thats 1.28m vs .720m To have a noticeable shift…how many people do you think are going to reroll purely to play an ogre?

You think what? 1 outta 10? 1 outta 5? It wont be anywhere close to that. It would make ogres the most played race in the game. And what has been shown to us, is that ugly races will never be the most played in the game. Pretty races when that.

So once again…your suggestions arent going to change the numbers. And since faction has little to no purpose anymore, it doesnt even matter. There is no “faction pride”. We are AzerothPride. One big happy family.

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LOL then tell your other hordies on the forum cause they haven’t read the memo.


Then give the Alliance two new races. It won’t matter according to you. But do you think that the Horde players will cry foul?

Once again.

You are just sitting here asking for things to be broken in your favor.

I dont consider that rational of fair conversation.

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Races aren’t going to balance the factions. Nothing is. The only thing that will balance the factions is dropping the faction barriers. Pick your character’s faction at character creation, join any guild, quest and group together in the open world regardless of faction, etc…

That reduces factions to cosmetics, PvP teams, and questing experience, but so what? I’m more concerned about the long-term health of the game than trying to balance two factions’ populations.

If factions don’t matter and people aren’t going to transfer as you claim, then how can it be a broken solution?

Solarion, you are correct, but that is the death of the Alliance and Blizzard knows it.

Your solution is to only make new races for the Alliance.

That is a broken solution.

Except its not.

Tbh every comment is on spot. They are just plain and simple rushed and cheap content

I disagree, but thanks for a civil conversation.

we were down to 8 alliance guilds in the top 100. the other 92 guilds were horde. people on the forums were in denial that it was that bad until BFA, when there were not enough raiding guilds left on alliance to complete the hall of fame pre-req for opening the new raid, so now horde guilds couldnt raid either. then they paid attention

alliance would need something equivalent to the ground moving event that blood elves represented at the time, which was:

  1. graphically and anatomically beautiful humanoid race, with clear gender differences
  2. careful attention to proper sizing and gear fitting.
  3. with over the top racials
  4. a new popular class, prior not available to alliance but which both sides want to play that also benefits from over the top abilities meant exclusively for the class
  5. top notch animations, including popular dances. running and fighting animations are super important.
  6. their own city and levelling zones
  7. good heritage gear
  8. an expac mostly about them

and that pretty much covers how blood elves impacted the game. but we know devs dont actually care about the alliance as a faction. we’re just here to pay their salaries. hehe

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This was actually done because the rules literally stated it had to be ‘HORDE-ONLY’ as they wanted to make sure everyone was in the same guild etc.

It also was without saying mitigating the issues of Paladin PVP and being stupid OP.

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alliance lost the one thing they had going for them in tbc - paladins, who were the lore foundation of the faction. in fact, they taught the high elves who became blood elves, how to be paladins and the high elves taught us how to be mages. the exchange was great but the result in game was gutting