"The developers disrespect the Alliance player races"


That shouldnt happen period. And I am sorry it happened initially.

But you cant deny that Alliance racials are absolutely top tier. They just arent over powered. Racials shouldnt be overpowered.

This seems like you dont want things fair. You want things broken in your favor.


How does a lore or storyline benefit your in-game experience? The Alliance supposedly won TWO WARS, so how did that benefit the Alliance in-game?

I can only deny that Alliance racials are top-tier since they werenā€™t when I stopped playing. Look at my PvP ratings. We were stomped so many times, itā€™s not funny.

The very fact that they HAD to introduce Cross-faction to help the Alliance proves my point. The Alliance are such a low-population/underdog talent-wise that Cross Faction was the only way they couldnā€™t just delete the faction or add bots.

Because the story and lore is important to a ton of people. Favorite characters, storylines, etc. All impact people in game.

Alliance racials have been top tier since BFA minimum. Other racials have been top tier from Alliance since before.

OK? The damage was done.

Like I said. What reasonable and rational suggestions do you have to fix the population balance? Just making the Alliance racials brokenly OP is not fixing anything. Its just continuing the problem for your own benefit.

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Not since BFA, I played BFA and remember cross-faction didnā€™t happen until years after it was released.
The only reason cross-faction was introduced was because of a declining Alliance population and the dominancy of the Horde.

I am talking about racials. Not cross faction.

Alliance racials have been top tier for a while.

Once again. What could Blizzard reasonably do to fix the issue?

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  1. Admitting they actually made a mistake would be nice.
  2. Giving the Alliance some faction pride? Dear God, donā€™t ask the devs for an Alliance warcryā€¦

How is that going to increase numbers?

What would constitute faction pride? Since better racials, story, and lore dont?


You canā€™t fix a problem if you canā€™t admit it. It would publicly announce that they are taking responsibilityā€¦

How about a dev who sided with the Alliance? Just one?

Once again. I dont see how any of this actually increases numbers for the Alliance population.

Due to the sheer number of devs, its most likely quite a few play Alliance.

Based onā€¦what?

I started with Vanilla a month or two after initial launch. Except for the last 18 month (it might be two years), Iā€™ve only played Classic.

My challenge to anyone is find a pro-Alliance dev. Iā€™ve tried. Itā€™s a unicorn.


So once again.

Why will a dev on twitter saying ā€œFor the Allianceā€ increase Alliance population numbers?

At this point, Iā€™ve given up on retail. Iā€™m just saying that ignoring the problem doesnā€™t help.
YOU recognize that it was a problem that shouldnā€™t have happened, but the devs donā€™t?

But they didnt ignore the problem.

Considering how they have worked to make the Alliance racials top tier, and bent over backwards for the Alliance to give them the benefitā€¦I cant say with a straight face the the devs do not see that there was a problem.

Once again. What is an adequate solution that will actually impact player numbers for the Alliance?

Having a random dev say ā€œfor the Allianceā€ on social media wont effect the problem.

High elves wont effect the problem.

You say you want ā€œAlliance faction prideā€. I am trying to figure out what that is.

Tell you what, I will redownload WoW and take a look around.

They didnā€™t ignore the problem? Are former Alliance guilds back to the blue team?

What Iā€™m saying is give us a little bit of what you guys have enjoyed over the years.
We like to play Warcraft, too.

The Horde clearly has faction pride. You can hear it in most Blizzcons. Giving the Alliance another dwarf race while increasing the horde races wasnā€™t cool.

Go to https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/game/races and count the races.

Now add dwarves to the Horde.

How do you force guilds to change sides?

Sounds like you are asking for the problems to continue, but to specifically benefit you.

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By asking for a LITTLE BIT of what you guys have enjoyed over the years?

The little bit you are asking for is what exactly?

For racials to be brokenly OP for the Alliance to the point everyone change to the Alliance?

Something the Horde hasnt had for like a decade?

Nope but give us a new race that Horde would want to play.

That would have been a good start. Horde gets dwarves, Alliance getā€¦whatever the Horde wants.

But that wont effect population numbers.

You are asking for things that will have no effect on your complaint.

You keep saying that Dwarves are OP, well you guys have dwarves now.
If there is a race that the Horde REALLY wants to play, say, Ogres?
You donā€™t think a lot of Horde players would switch to the Alliance to play that race?