"The developers disrespect the Alliance player races"

High Elves will be an Allied Race in Midnight.


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Samuelus just said that it’s impossible.

Samuelus, then why not just give the Alliance “High Elves” instead of Void Elves in cosplay? You get my point, right?

I am en enchanter and an engineer
so no

My only repeat customers are guildies. I never see orders up for crests, i think most people just have a guy for em.

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This might be true but it still is half of a decade (5-8 years) in the future. Breadcrumbing the Alliance at its finest?

The Alliance will eat those breadcrumbs and be happy.

It’s my hope that Horde will get Saberon, Forest Trolls, and Mok’nathal by that point.


100%! It should have happened a long time ago (Saberon/Frost Trolls) but you’re asking an incompetent team, which apparently are the “bests of the bests in the industry” to focus on actual customer requests.


I want to hope!

We deserve these races!

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We do, but the Alliance comes first and deserves far more than just scraps. They left the Alliance to rot on purpose until the whole faction was destroyed, so they can fill the ranks for Horde-guilds now. It’s pathetic, actually. That’s not the point of a two-faction system, it’s even better to remove it completely and only have a blue and red label by now.

That’s why I’m sure that they’ll get those High Elves they want. It’s the only way to get Blood Elves to switch over.


The truth of the matter is, in a two faction system, there will always be an underdog or less “loved” faction. Unless they made the two factions carbon copies it is very difficult to have meaningful stories and worldbuilding for both factions without one being neglected. It’s possible Blizz could have done something like had a strict 1:1 policy for the two factions, but I think both Horde and Alliance would have been shorted by such a process.

Just because the Allied Races weren’t all what you wanted doesn’t make them bad either. Kul Tirans are actually really rad, Dark Iron dwarves was probably one of the most talked about “new races” in WoW for a long time, Mechagnomes make sense for a gnomish allied race.

That said, there were definitely some misses. Void Elves absolutely should have had high elvish customizations from the start (and while I personally think Void Elves are way cooler than High Elves, I don’t think it would have been wrong to just add High Elves to the Alliance, lots of people did lots of write-ups on how to not make them carbon copies of each other). Lightforged 10000% should have been Outland Broken or Argus Krokul. But the Horde had some misses too. The Nighborne looked nothing like in-game NPCs and instead looked like Night Elves on drugs with no option to not look like a Whithered. And the Highmountain have been a bland option just like the Lightforged.

At the end of the day, I think it’s less that Blizz has neglected the Alliance, and more that what the Alliance represents isn’t necessarily what’s cool or fun to engage with. When WoW came out, the Alliance was significantly more popular than the Horde


WELL now if you examine the events when the alliance raiding and m+ guilds went horde, it made them alot of money on whole guild’s transferring. it went from like 40 alliance guilds in the top 100, to 8. then when the new Raid in bfa couldnt open till both factions had hall of fame, there was no one left on alliance to do the achievement. lol

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i was paying attention. even back in legion i was warning everybody on the forums, that alliance was losing too many players and this all started at character creation, followed up by racials at the time and exacerbated by m+ etc bosses that were trivialized by arcane torrent and goblin rocket jump. it also didnt help that blizzcons were unfriendly to alliance players, with various other unpleasant events.

when confronted with the problem, the devs chose to blame it on alliance players, so the horde players did as well. there they were griping they couldnt do the new raid cause alliance players were bad at the game and so couldnt unlock the hall of fame required for both factions. no mention that there werent any alliance guilds left as they’d all transferred to horde.

the few alliance guilds who were left, couldnt get enough raid ready players for the normal turnover rate, and were completely demoralized. they had to endure accusations of being lazy guild leaders and bad wow players. the ones that didnt transfer, quit instead and wow lost them to final fiantasy 14. and so was born cross faction play


Agreed. At least honor the Alliance and delete the faction rather than have us hopeless NPCs in the game.

I don’t think it’s a CONSCIOUS choice (well, for a few, including Ion it is, because he purposely refuses to play Alliance) but if everyone is pro-Horde, even if they THINK they’re doing good work on both sides (ARTISTS sure do but I have yet to see ONE Pro-Alliance dev) but you can’t escape an unconscious bias, especially if the entire team is one faction.

Imagine this: The party you don’t support in America? Yeah, every member of both Houses of Congress and the President are in that party.

Do you trust them to have your best interests at heart?

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If this was true the story wouldnt be one sided for the Alliance, the NPCs wouldnt be one sided for the Alliance, the racials wouldnt be one sided for the Alliance.


Then show me a single pro-Alliance dev. I literally have tried but when new devs get hired, this is how their X (twitter) announcement goes:

  1. Glad to be part of the team
  2. Expect exciting things in the future

I haven’t played for about 18 months, but I find it VERY hard to believe that the Alliance (down to 36% of the playerbase) is beating the Horde at anything other than arenas.

Metzen literally plays a paladin on the Alliance.


All those pro horde devs didn’t stop Horde from getting smashed by the Alliance in every war. Alliance characters dominate the storylines too.

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Not only is that the ONLY Alliance player he plays (he listed his top five, the Paladin was his ONLY Alliance character) when the Warcraft movie came out, he apologized that it was going to focus on humans, saying “You guys know my heart is always with the Horde”

The last three times he’s come to Blizzcon, his questions are all about the Horde, except, what was it, 2018, he said that he had questions. Those two questions were:

  1. My first questions is, and Alliance, I don’t want to offend you, but Horde, where are you at?
  2. My second question is about the Horde. When is the Horde getting their real warchief back?

After he heard how bad the first question sounded, he said, "Oh hell
Alliance, where are you at?

Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyKoDWvbVgI

storylines, NONE of which matters to in-game experience.

Horde would freak if Blizzard OP’d Alliance races for FOUR EXPANSIONS to the point most of the good Horde guilds rerolled Alliance.