"The developers disrespect the Alliance player races"

This whole debate is 100% pointless as Blizzard added these options to allow for lots of RP. Both factions have playable High Elves.

So, why is this still even a thing? Is it the name tag?


Silver covenant Elves and Quel’thalas Elves are biologically identical and also share the same origin and culture.

Telogrus Rift Elves have their biology changed while keeping the same origin and culture.

what i think shes saying is, void elves can equip old tbc stuff meant for blood elves because they are former blood elves, and thru other means, ride a flying mount that was exclusive to blood elves during tbc. but because void elves are alliance they can rep grind for and ride the quel’dorei steed and apparently blood elves cant. which blood elves should request if they care.

This whole thread is pointless.

Anyone who thinks Horde and Alliance as factions are here to stay is living on copium.

We’re all going to be one big faction. It literally will not matter who has the “pretty races” and who has the “interesting races.”

The faction divide is going to get removed and everyone knows it.

TECHNICALLY, the blood elves were also changed by fel corruption, exactly the same difference between green orc’s and Mag’har orcs.

Though, I genuinly can’t explain why the high elves who lived in outland have no signs of fel corruption… Blizzard writing plot holes I guess.

I heard recently that he had returned after the explosive stream a few years back. I did like his speculation/lore videos.

Not necessary. Because this has nothing to do with my statement, I did not mention what RPers do to play Sin’dorei in Stormwind.

Then feel free to post a picture of your Quel’dorei mounting the Quel’dorei steed. Would be strange, if you couldn’t, in your headcanon.

I do not remember if they have rejoined them or not, but canonically speaking the Alliance has High Elves in several settlements and this is a good statement alone to make.

So are the Blood Elves in Stormwind now. If you’re good with that, be my guest. I wouldn’t like this.

100% correct.

100% correct. But the High Elves are a subrace, as the Wildhammers, who also have wrong racials and a slightly physiology. But they are playable Bronzebeards.

Almost quite right, I was referring to the new cash shop mount which should have been Horde-exclusive.

yeah i know this. i guess i didnt understand your point

Nah, it is the model. Blast confirmed it earlier:

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And you said that Void Elves are both Sin’dorei and Quel’dorei, but the Void Elves can’t equip the Silvermoon Tabards or mounts.

Are you seriously that much of a low effort troll.


Plenty of Neutral Unicorn Mounts to choose from that look more blue-ish, so this is a non issue for roleplaying.

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100% this
Some High elves who were in outland rejoined the blood elves, which is why bloodelves got high elf customisations. And some High elves joined forces with the void elves, which is why they also got high elf customisations. There are High elves on both sides now.

But saying

Is just pure ignorance, because they are quite clearly established as two different factions and we all know the difference between a blood elf and a high elf.

Lor’themar is a Blood elf. He would punch you in the face for calling him a High elf.
Vereesa is a high elf, she would punch you in the face for calling her a bloodelf.

They are not the same thing.

Why should they do that? They aren’t blue/silver. I think you misunderstand severely what I’m talking about and what the newest fad with Total RP3 is.

I’ll cut the chase for you: Void Elf players play actual genuinely looking Sin’dorei, because they can it through the vanity items and mounts.

its just a lore thing. its actually ugly

i gotta copy this down and save it for future reference. hehe

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me too. that one isnt speculation. theres actually a hero talent build called sanlayn

Yeah, for the DK class. I like that one. Priest, I think, made out the best with the names. Mage probably the worst. “spellflinger” and “frostfire,” really?

best mage set ever created to this day

Well…I guess that shows you I don’t play mage. The name just sounds like an ability. Not a “thing” or a “title” like Arcjon or Oracle or Templar.

Lemme check out this fabled epic set…

Oh, yeah, that looks pretty cool

only looted from vanilla naxxaramas. now only found on black market