"The developers disrespect the Alliance player races"

My favorite set, I think, is the Cata one that looks like a hoodie with goggles on top. Thought it looked nice and geeky.

and the challenge mode set from mop. no longer available.


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I much prefer the Sunwell Red and Green and Gold set.

True, but they got shafted with not being allowed to use their flight form in this expac. Maybe it is something they will address, who knows.


I’m just confused why Alliance never got Jinyu. Jinyu could’ve been such a fun allied race. But all we get is poorly proportioned races like the Kul’Tirans.

Vulperas and Goblins imo have the worst propotioned arms I’ve ever seen… needs a big fix.

Same thing with worgen tail options… look at how successful Vulperas are. I think people would play worgen more if they had tails. Not to mention give the females actual fur on their cheeks and neck??? And make them thicker. They look like raggedy skinny chihuahuas.

Overall many of the races need more love and I wanna see an overhaul. Give all genders of each race 3 bodytypes: Skinny, medium, and muscular. No need for fat options, -maybe- we could get boob and butt size options. That would be cool (And I am a girl saying this)

Hopefully Blizz gets it together one of these days.

I would love challenge mode sets back. Especially druid and paladin for myself.

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Fairly sure void elves can not get green or golden eyes.

Ah, the cursed set, which most of the RPers use to be “Sin’dorei” in Stormwind.

As far as I know the RPers, they don’t care for those. Perhaps they will with the Paladin class, when they become available.

i use to run a creative writing rpg on a forum. it was free form. complete chaos. lol now i avoid rp like the plague

The blood elf page you linked doesn’t account for the Silver Covenant


Which split off from the Blood Elves and is full of high elves who chose not to rejoin them. This has been common knowledge since Wrath I think?

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Yes. I enjoy it very much so.

The Blood Elf page doesn’t count for a lot of the small minor factions. Doesn’t mean I’m wrong.

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if i remember right we get it next xpac with dragonriding flight like evokers

The fact you are wrong means you’re wrong… The blood elf page dosen’t account for the High elf page… because Blood elves and High elves are two different things.

Again… To quote myself…

The blood elves stopped being High elves back in WC3 and became a compleatly seperate thing. Your’e argument that they are former highelves means nothing, because they are also former nightelves.

Infact you could have a familly of three Nightelf siblings, who were all outcast by Malfurion and followed Dath’Remar Sunstrider to Quel’thalas, and became ‘high elves’ But after the 3rd war one sibling stayed with the alliance to remain a Highelf, while the other two followed Kael’thas and became bloodelves, suking up that fel energy and eyes turning green. Then one sibling fell in with Magister Umbric and followed him into the void and became a void elf, sucking up void magic.

Now you have three siblings who were born Night elves, but one is a blue eyed High elf, one is a Green eyed Blood elf and one is a purple eyed Void elf.
They are all the same familly, and were all born of the same race, but now all 3 are in different factions.

Honestly, I’m not here to police other peoples RP, they can enjoy the game however they want and it does not detract from me enjoying the game how I want. More power to them.

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You do know why I’ve been ignoring your headcanon?

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explain exactly what is ‘head canon’. Because absoloutly everything I’ve said is confirmed in game, and I will specifically link you to any part you disagree with.

Go ahead.

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Them and pandas are the 2 races I will never play.

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i’m still stunned that you think allied races on alliance have no reason to want more.

good grief void elves are nearly as classless as dracthyr but without the kajillion customizations and because we’re so odd, everyone’s gonna complain if we get pallies, because kaboom. and how could we possibly be druids. the druid council would laugh us out of the temple, like the priests in stormwind tell us to leave the cathedral, even when we’re priests. le mew, le sigh, le corrupt a wish. oh i bet the elementals will be in rush to teach us shamanism. think illidan’s dh trainers will embrace the void? i dont

Yup. Especially because her boyfriend, Nathanos, got killed. I loved that sarcastic, sneering, demeaning attitude of his - my favorite second-in-command.