"The developers disrespect the Alliance player races"

What is a High Elf?

former blood elves.

That’s correct. You are a High Elf but politically aligned with the Horde, which makes you a Blood Elf. But you don’t play an actual Quel’dorei as the player’s race.

The Alliance has claim to both of them. Are you not bothered by this, that they cannot only equip a Horde tabard but also some TBC raid blood elf transmog to make the look, including the wyvern? This is the actual concern you should have.


And you are once again wrong. See argument here:

Hey, I can travel anywhere around the world, as an Australian citizen. Does that mean I stop being Australian if I don’t call myself an Australian, despite still being an Australian citizen.

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An elf that is flying? :woman_shrugging:


As long as Blood Elves cannot equip the Quel’dorei mounts and Silver Covenant tabard, not a single argument will back your posting up. Only Alliance can.

So Blood Elves came before High Elves?

Can Alliance characters equip Blood Elf Tabards?

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I call them bargain bin Blood Elves with bad hair actually.

This part I never said at all so just adding that I’ve never once said this about anyone or in any case to anyone and my post history can be checked to confirm that so I don’t know why you put that after Naughty said.


This makes no sense.

Blood Elves are High Elves. They have always been a High Elf. Even there lore still states them as a High Elf. The name change was just political.

It is time to stop with the headcanon.


If you were literaly kicked out of Australia forced to give up your Australian citizenship and made to get new citizenship then yes, you would infact no longer be Australian.

The delicious irony of your post is that by your own logic, that means you’re British, not Australian atall, right?

country of origin isnt what designates a high elf. high elves are pre blood elf and existing ones that ion hasnt killed off yet, are mostly in dalaran

ohi guess i shoulda worded that differently so the cheap knock off is separate from the sub

And the name change from Kal’dorei to Sin’dorei was also a political one to mark the new life in Quel’thalas.
So by your own logic, they are actually just Nightelves, right?

kal’dorei, isnt that night elf? you mean quel’dorei?

Do Quel’dorei fans want to do this, I wonder? You are not a Quel’dorei if you cannot mount the Quel’dorei steed.

You are 100%, even 255% correct - but you are not the old ideology anymore. If you want to play an actual oldschool Quel’dorei, you need to play Alliance.

Then feel free to equip with your Blood Elf the Quel’dorei vanity items. But don’t fret, I will not mock you for you inability, because you can’t argue against the given system made by Blizzard. And no, it’s not a “you” problem, you have. Blizzard simply does not allow you to go the 100% Quel’dorei fantasy route, because it’s Alliance-exclusive.

And that’s all what there is to it. Perhaps you could play a Quel’dorei with the Alliance-tabard from the new starter island. But that’s it.

Let me fixed it up for you, since the majority of the High Elves are the Blood Elves in Quel’thalas, who are also “old school” as you put it.

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You said:

but then also said:

So if Alliance characters cannot equip Blood Elf Tabards, then your initial statement is false.


They’re just making anything up to suit there own headcanon.

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Nah, they are still High elves. Silver Convnant are not the ONLY high elves, the high elves who rejoined the blood elves were the ones from outland, not from the Silver Convant.

Why would that bother me in the slightest? I can equip a troll armour set dosen’t make me a troll, I’m still a Bloodelf.

No, I mean Kal’dorei, the High elves were origionally Nightelves who got kicked out of Ashenvale and settled in Eversong renaming themselves to the Quel’dorei.

All the elf races come from the Nighelves, they are all techincally the same race, ‘elf’.