The Desolate Host bugs out - Heroic TOS

Thank you! Very clear description!

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Still bugged. But there is hope! Blizzard changed Throne of Thunder the last update so that the hydra doesn’t take nearly as many heads to die for mount farming. Come on Blizzard.

Just got me :frowning:

May 2023 and THIS IS STILL HAPPENING!!! Wtf devs???

I found this happening to me on Mythic difficulty. What I did was simply leave the instance for 30-45 minutes so that it reset. When I got back to the encounter i just went slow on my DPS and was able to get to the next phase successfully and finish the encounter.

Still bugged as of today. With high itemlevel it’s even more hopeless since everything just dies at the slightest touch. Shame.

necroing this thread because it’s STILL bugged.

I was farming mythic Tomb of Sargeras today and thought I’d start in the spirit realm just to see if it would fix an issue where spirit realm enemies were left alive after the encounter was completed.

Turned out to be a big mistake. Dejahna died, and the encounter ended and all enemies despawned. Dying, leaving the instance, resetting all instances, doing another encounter and then coming back, and briefly relogging did not fix the issue.

My raid lockout is now bricked for the week.

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Still bugged

Honestly surprised this still hasn’t been rectified in 3 years

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Still bugged.

Either despawns, or locks the room and have to unstuck to get out.

This one’s always been a hit or miss to me. Been doing this on heroic and the only way I found to be able to solo this is by trying to one shot it. Sometimes it works, most of time it doesn’t. Obviously we wouldn’t be going thru this for years if they could just change the boss coding to trigger defeat on death instead of going thru all the boss gimmicks. They did fix this before for gorefiend on hellfire citadel, don’t know whats stopping them to do the same this time.

Just ran into this, which is weird, because desolate host was just fine my week prior. It despawns, the room locks out, and then the boss doesn’t reset even if you die. Tried on my Paladin on just normal difficulty

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July 2023 and still bugged. Running on mythic I hearthed out thinking maybe it would reset and now can’t get back in.

July 2023 and still bugged. Running on mythic I hearthed out thinking maybe it would reset and now can’t get back in.

Bugged on Normal just now. July 2023. Gonna try Mythic.

Same. Just bugged on normal today, 7/15/2023…like how is this acceptable? DO WE SEE THE OP POST DATE OF THIS THREAD?!

this is freakin y i dont do legion raid

just bugged for me on mythic wtfh ITS BEEN YEARS


just happened to me on a heroic run, so damn annoying

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Just did this on HC. it’s still bugged, nice to see that u care blizzard!

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I notice that if you kill the engine too fast, the host doesn’t spawn. Gotta make sure you stop at 30%, otherwise it IS gonna bug. It’s the same type of bug we see in the West Side Story spoof in return to karazhan. If you kill the guy too fast, the murloc never activates and you’re stuck in limbo.