The day Classic + turned into retail -

Are they calling SoD classic+ nowadays?

Nothing i didnt expect; its why ive never played sod.

My assumption is that they treat SoD as an experimental experience to test ideas and iterate on to be able to have a better grasp on what people want for a real classic+.

I understand why they’re rushing the points that don’t need changes to get people to try out things that they’d like to iterate on.

because people actually do quests here instead of sitting in dungeon boost camps like classic era ?
You still have 0% xp boost if you play your characters from s1 or if you remove it in tavern. let people play the way that they like.

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I have been playing this game for 17+ years and have over 30+ tools spread over 5 or 6 servers and multiple versions.
The level up process IS a pest and I’m over it.
Hate it
Don’t want to be bothered with it.
And before you say “well stop playinging the game” ( in typical millennial fashion)
That’s not your call.
I let everyone enjoy the game on their own terms and don’t feel the need to gatekeep this newer version of the game.
This is not vanilla, this is a new take based upon a older game.

Era is that way…
(Where everybody pays for boosts)
Get over it.
I would 100% support you if you where championing a cause that would actually benefit wow gamers.
(Like how can we get millennials to stop destroying everything they touch)

There is the option in game to turn off the xp boost.

Oh look…smooth brain talking. Stick to your 2004 mindset boomer game.

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Megaservers are cancer, also with layers it makes it terrible

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The day another forums cry baby posted a thread.

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SOD was great in P1, but yeah its turned into retail.

:rofl: is as close to retail as you are to being the president of the Ukraine.

because its a seasonal server that will only be up for a year or two at most

because its a seasonal server that will only be up for a year or two at most

because from the start of SoD they’ve mentioned how they’re goal is for people to try all of the new classes and specs that have become viable in a vanilla setting.

relax. Again its a seasonal server. Not only that tho, SoD has been MASSIVELY successful for WoW. Remember both retail and WotLK are in down swing content droughts. And yet we saw a reversal in subs when SoD released. I can guarantee you that after SoD is done, there will be a much more permanent, more much high budget and separate from era version of Classic +. Where they will make whole new levelling zones and talent builds etc. Just play SoD 2 bro

Honestly I thought “the day classic+ turned into retail” was a negative before, but after seeing ohase 3 play out especially the class balancing I’ honestly not sure if “retail” can be used as an insult anymore.

Retail has a 9% performance difference over 25 specs, yet Sod can’t even manage that between 3.
There is a 14% performance difference between 1st and 3rd, and a 54% difference between 1st and 13th. (Discounting Arcane mage dps which is a 133% difference even played as a dps)

Turns out after 20 years people don’t care about the journey. Do it once and then it’s no longer special. And as it turns out the vast majority hate leveling. It’s slow, boring, tedious, without most of your tool kit you can’t preform properly. People enjoy being powered and challenging things once they have all their tools and gear. They don’t like the long trip to get to the starting point where your character’s skills are compelete.

So yeah on yet another classic server, open another season people don’t want to level. They want to get to the cap so they can do everything and not be linear focused on just leveling and the tedious amount of travel it takes to do so.

Also the retail insult is laughable. WoW has always had exp boosts and exp requirment drops since the very first xpac. Retail and classic are the same game. Just retail has more content,classes and skills to play with. Both still are the exact same foundations of quest, level class, gear up and do dungeons/raids/pvp.

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how about let people choose to play the game how THEY want to play it… YOU dont have to rush to end game if YOU dont want to…
YOU dont pay for MY sub so you have no right to dictate how i have to play the game… you somehow think this is your world and we are all just living in it… get over your entitlement
people like you ruin the game… what you say is meaningless (alts) is fun to others… get over yourself

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Incursions were the biggest mistake in all of SoD.


So give us max level from the get go instead of half baked content.

“It’s a seasonal server! We need fast leveling! The game will only be up for 2 years (yeah that’s as long as Classic was in progress, but… uhhhhhhh…)!!!1!”

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SoD catered to the 80%. Blizzard pretty much said so. You can never please everyone. The player base is different now. Everyone expects a trophy and needs to “win” with minimal effort.

MMORPGs and RTS’s are an outdated gaming genre, as are fighting games. Basically it’s any genre where it either takes too much time, or the skill floor is too high.

Just really didn’t think it was so much to ask that Classic game modes follow old design philosophy instead of the modern player’s whims. What’s the point otherwise?

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